

中古医療機器Ⅱ Second hand Medical EquipmentⅡ

2013-11-15 14:36:32 | 日記




火曜日の朝には膨大な量の取扱説明書がPDFファイルで送られてきて、それに基づいて、Dr. Lと一緒に電源を入れてチェックしました









Checking the web site of the P Japan, there was the enquiry tab and I wrote my self-introduction and some questions to ask technical support on last Friday.

Within a day, the technical support of the company sent to me an e-mail to ask the detailed information.

It was the weekend and I answered to send pictures of equipment on Monday.

After sending pictures on Tuesday morning, the big data of the instruction manual written both English and Japanese were delivered through the e-mail.

Soon I checked the function of the small monitor with Dr. L together.

All functions seemed working well but two problems had appeared.

One was the language problem; both monitors from Japan displayed only Japanese.

Other one was the battery; the monitor sent from Japan didn’t have a battery in the slot.

Doctor wanted to use it for patient transportation to the upper referral hospital.

I enquired to the Japanese P for these two points.

Soon they replied and they said about the language it is not possible to change the language because not installed.

About the battery they will answer after checking the price and ordering process.

And at the night time of this day, the representative of P sent to me an e-mail and said they will visit my office tomorrow.

It was amazingly quick response.