

プロポーザル・デビュー The First Proposal

2012-08-30 09:57:50 | 日記








Yesterday I submitted the proposal for the item of JICA had published to ask for two weeks ago.

The item was a follow up program about the “Development plan of the local health service” (total 2.96 hundred million JPY) in the small country K in North Africa by the gratis support of Japanese government.

This program includes if the donated medical equipment were used practically and also they were maintained properly.

If they were not done we have to propose the direction of how to continue it in future.

The experienced person of the company said that so many tough competitor will apply on this item and I will be difficult to be accepted.

However the man myself is highly motivated on this issue and saying that anybody is the first time on the beginning and if they will consider the aptitude on my carrier it will be possible.

How it will be?

When they accept my proposal I will visit Africa to investigate for three weeks on the end of this year.