

新しい仕事とびっくり The New Job and Surprisings

2012-08-03 23:24:23 | 日記









My job in the new company is that there are several items undergoing as the joint venture with other consultant companies in the Asian region.

In the one of these items I am now making the specification sheet from the equipment list for the medical facilities in the developing country.

Collecting the catalogues and quotes of each instrument and I have to make the comparison sheet.

After comparison of the specifications and prices I decide one instrument of each.

From the list I have to make a budget including the freight to the recipient country, handling charge and all other cost.

Finally the company will submit the estimated total cost to JICA.

Depending on the achievement of the estimate and the price it will be decided to order.

In this company one more clinical engineer had been worked for.

It is the young girl and surprisingly she had received my lecture when I did for the CE society of Japan before retirement.

Furthermore she graduated the collage in Nagoya and surprising again her professor was my good friend.