

騒動終息  The Disturbance Terminated

2011-11-17 19:26:08 | 日記















The disturbance of yesterday I wrote like as the live was terminated in the early evening.

After 12 O’clock, the some threatening groups appeared in several places in the city and they merged into one automatically and it developed a big demonstration marching of 2000 people.

It was consisting of a hundred people of the political demonstration and on the head and most of others were minors.

Of course it was the illegal marching and it made a traffic hazard so that the police were going to control them.

Throwing stones protested against the police were almost boys of 12-18 years old.

That was to say the 95 % of the attendants had the quite different purpose for the demonstration.

They joined intending to take the opportunity of to plunder and destroy of the shops.

My working place is only 20m far from the main street but between my office and the street there were a store building of maintenance and the big stand by generator.

So there was no damage for the facility.

But at the transportation division that was located on the next of maintenance, one of their vehicles was broken the wind shield.

Around 4 O’clock they move toward the Honiara Hotel in the Chinatown that new Prime Minister Lilo had his office.

But they had been brought under control of PKF RAMSI that had been waited them and forced to disperse.

The topic is so serious and heavy and I’ll introduce a cheerful one.

In the back yard of my house the banana tree had gotten some fruits.

It is very big and sweet banana and I’m looking forward to harvesting.