

速報6 Information No.6

2011-11-16 13:32:35 | 日記






The 6th information from the Embassy said that crowd of people have been going down from the Governor Generals residence and going to the Honiara Hotel in China-town in which Lilo has the office.

In the China-town a part of crowd became to rioters and started to throw stones.

The Embassy alerted to all Japanese never go to the China-town.

Also JICA office announced that the standing by at home will continue tomorrow.

The representative of the crowd declares that they will go to the next step unless the new Prime Minister Lilo resigns until 4:30 today.

速報 Up-to-the-Minutes

2011-11-16 11:55:56 | 日記





According to the information from the Embassy, the crowd of people that appeared at several places joined into one and it becomes over 1000 people.

They are bounding to east at Mendana Street and going up to the official residence of the Governor General to request the resignation of the new Prime Minister Lilo until 14:30.

All shops are closing the door and now there is no plunder action and we can only pray that they will never be rioters.

首相選挙3ー自宅待機    The Election of the Prime Pinister 3-Stand by at Home

2011-11-16 10:54:10 | 日記

本日10時から国会にて行われた首相選挙の結果、昨日のブログで第3の可能性として挙げた、前財務大臣のGordon Darcy Lilo氏が29票を獲得して首相に選出されました








Today at 10:00 am, the prime minister election had be done and Gordon Darcy Lilo that I introduced as a third candidate in my blog had gotten 29 votes and eliminated.

Among the 6 candidates the worst reputation man had eliminated.

According to the town interview yesterday showed that 90% of the people supported former Prime Minister Mr. Sogavare and at the result of the election the possibility of something happen becomes higher.

At 11:00 am JICA Solomon Office ordered to all volunteers working at metropolitan area to stand by at home.

I sent other three volunteers whose working places were closed to the hospital to their house and came back home at 11:30.

Connecting to the internet soon and I found the e-mail from Japanese Embassy that were all alert of that several places in the town people getting together and seemed threatening.

I have no information about the town now but in the area of my house will be safe.

In the something will be happened at tonight.

We have to stand by at home until next order and I checked my food stock.

It will be enough only for me and two dogs about one week.