

ワークショップ3日目   The Third Day of the Workshop

2011-09-28 17:57:59 | 日記













Today we started to study about the “Solar System” that was the main topic of this workshop.

Of course there is no electricity in the small villages in the provinces.

In these areas they had been used the absorption type i.e. gas and kerosene for keeping vaccines.

However considering from the aspect of economy, safety and reliability it could be changed to the solar system.

It seems that huge power is necessary for using the refrigerator by the solar power but the stocker of this time is able to use with not so big power.

For keeping vaccines it is not necessary to open and close the door so often comparing the home refrigerator.

When the generated power is enough in the daytime it makes the ice in the cabinet and when the rainy day or the night time with not enough generation it keeps the temperature by the ice.

This time we will build up two solar panels at the front yard of the meeting room in the Ministry of Health and operate the system.

Today we dug the holes for putting the poles and practiced wiring of the panel.

Tomorrow we will stand the panel and operate the system.