

Epidemic realized

2014-09-04 23:46:02 | 日記

Today the infected patients expanded through the 13 prefectures all over Japan.

Total number of the patients reached over 50.

Plural numbers of mosquitos were captured at 4 sampling points among 10 sites.

It suspects that the infected mosquitos are aliving at not only inside the park but also out of the park.

Tokyo metropolitan office had closed the park today tentatively. 



2014-09-01 16:54:57 | 日記

Further 19 cases of Dengue fever were reported today.

All of the patients except for one had visited at the specific place in Yoyogi park.

One had walked through out side of the park.

It seems going to be an Epidemic.

The MOH and Tokyo Metropolitan office executed the spraying the insecticide to exterminate the mosquitos all over the park.


Application for the JICA Volunteer again

2014-08-30 11:36:49 | 日記

This morning, I sent the application form of JICA senior volunteer again.

The mission of this issue is to support the medical equipment maintenance at the national hospital, Port Vila in Vanuatu.

If it will be accepted, I will start to work at middle of January 2015.

Endemic of Dengue Fever in Japan

2014-08-28 22:00:12 | 日記

On Wednesday 27 August, a case of infection for Dengue Fever had been reported in Saitama Japan.

On the next day further two cases were reported in Saitama and Tokyo.

Three patients were the classmates of the college in Tokyo and they met together at a park in Shibuya 1 week ago.

The MOH in Japan estimates that they must be infected in this opportunity.

Today the government of Tokyo Metropolitan had disinfected around the park.

However the origin of the infection is not found yet.

It means the potential risk of Epidemic is still remaining.



2014-08-24 10:03:17 | 日記



