


2015-01-29 06:00:13 | 社会


Washington Post の記事。



The sensational offer to free the suicide bomber, whose device failed to explode, illustrates the tremendous pressure that has mounted on Jordan’s King Abdullah II and his government over the pilot’s capture.

An exchange of prisoners would be a first for the Islamic State, which has beheaded a number of captives including U.S. and other Western journalists and aid workers. Previously, the group had reportedly released European captives in exchange for ransom.

The offer could undermine the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State by encouraging more hostage-taking. The Islamic State, a radical al-Qaeda offshoot also known as ISIS or ISIL, has seized large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria in its bid to create a Muslim caliphate.

The U.S. government has vigorously opposed paying ransom for kidnap victims held by the Islamic State. Some of those victims have been decapitated by Islamic State militants, who have threatened the life of the Jordanian pilot.

The exchange, should it occur, would mark a reversal in policy for Jordan, which has long rejected negotiating with jihadist and other militant groups.

“Time and time again, the Islamic State has made clear its desire to see the release of Rishawi,” said Mohammed Shalbi, known as Abu Sayyef, head of a hard-line Jordanian salafist movement. His group maintains ties to al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.



2015-01-29 05:09:06 | 社会


元経産官僚の古賀茂明さんが、安倍晋三首相は、日本人の人質が犠牲になるかもしれないことを知っていながら、イスラム国を刺激するような中東支援発言をしたと指摘した。そして、イスラム国を空爆しているアメリカやイギリスの仲間に入れてほしいと思っていたのではないかとした。さらに、自分だったら、「I am not Abe」というプラカードを掲げて、「日本人は違いますよ」と主張していたともした。