


2012-02-29 16:52:44 | MLB

黒田  期待通りの成績を期待する

After four quality seasons with the Dodgers, averaging a 3.45 ERA and 1.19 WHIP, Kuroda signed with the Yankees in January. The left-hander made at least 31 starts in three of his four seasons with Los Angeles and had possibly his best season last year at age 36. Yankee Stadium and the AL East present a vastly more challenging pitching environment than Dodger Stadium and the NL West, but Kuroda's command and control should lead to at least servicable numbers once again.

Fantasy Bottom Line: How will his talents play in the AL East?

松坂  期待できない

Dice-K’s troubled season began with a 5.30 ERA through May 16 and ended several weeks later with Tommy John surgery. The right-hander hasn’t had a fully healthy campaign in three years, and he has posted a 5.03 ERA and a 1.50 WHIP when on the mound in that span. If all goes well with his rehab, Matsuzaka could make his season debut sometime during the second half.

Fantasy Bottom Line: Days as viable mixed-league starter appear to be over.

西岡  レギュラーにはなれない

Nishioka’s transition to the Major Leagues was a rough one, as he lasted only a week before suffering a broken fibula that sidelined him for the next two months, then later ended the season on the disabled list with a strained right oblique. The 27-year-old was a .300 hitter with good speed and double-digit home run power in Japan, but none of those skills were on display when he did play as a rookie. He’ll serve as a utility infielder in 2012, but his pedigree provides greater upside than Alexi Casilla and Jamey Carroll can claim.

Fantasy Bottom Line: Provided average, speed and some pop in Japan.

福留  長打力とスピードがなく、レギュラーにはなれない

By traditional measures, Fukudome isn’t much of an offensive producer, especially for a corner outfielder. The 34-year-old won’t hit much above .260, is unlikely to crack more than 10 homers and has been caught in just under half of his 57 career stolen-base attempts. He does know how to get on base, however, and shows little platoon split. Although his strikeouts rose and walks fell in his fourth big league season, the Japanese import probably has enough left in the tank to hold down Chicago's fourth outfielder gig in 2012.

Fantasy Bottom Line: Lack of power and speed will likely keep him from starting job.

青木   記述なし

斉藤   ケガがなければ期待通りの活躍できる

Saito may be nearing the end of the road at age 42, but he’s always pitched at a high level when healthy. Last year was no different, as the right-hander posted an ERA below 3.00 for the sixth time in as many big league seasons despite being limited to 30 appearances. After signing with the Diamondbacks, he’ll serve as one of the primary setup men for closer J.J. Putz.

Fantasy Bottom Line: Health is his chief obstacle.



2012-02-29 16:44:30 | MLB


ダルビッシュ  先発投手としてそれなりの成績を残す

After posting mind-boggling numbers in seven seasons with the Hokkaido Nippon-Ham Fighters -- including 276 strikeouts in 232 innings with a 0.83 WHIP last season -- Darvish appears poised to take the Majors by storm. The 25-year-old phenom will need to adjust to pitching outdoors and to a five-man rotation, but he comes equipped with a top-shelf arsenal and has all of the tools needed to thrive as a front-line starter in time. The track record of Japanese hurlers in the bigs is spotty, but Darvish appears as prepared as any to make a significant impact.

Fantasy Bottom Line: Japanese ace could be steal at the right price.
上原  中継ぎ投手として今年も活躍する
Uehara has thrived since moving from the starting rotation to the bullpen prior to the 2010 season, pitching to a 2.56 ERA and a 0.82 WHIP in 109 innings. The Japanese import’s exquisite control (1.25 BB/9 rate last year) and stellar strikeout rate translate seamlessly to a relief role, making the 36-year-old a safe bet to enjoy continued success.
Fantasy Bottom Line: Control artist continues to shine in pen.

イチロー   打順が3番に代わり、打点が増えて得点が減る

Father Time catches up to all players, and even the great Ichiro is no exception. While he managed to hold off the effects of aging longer than most, the 38-year-old failed to hit .300 for the first time in his career in 2011. In fact, a .272 average was more than 50 points below the exceptional career standard we’ve come to expect from one of baseball’s most unique players. The veteran can still run, which he proved with 40 swipes last season, but his lack of power becomes more noticeable when Ichiro is no longer smacking hits at an elite rate. A move from leadoff to third in the Mariners batting order could result in fewer runs but more RBIs this season.

Fantasy Bottom Line: May not score many runs in developing Mariners lineup
岩隈   悪くても先発ローテーション
Iwakuma joined the Mariners over the winter on a one-year deal. The 30-year-old posted a 2.42 ERA in Japan last season and is expected to earn a starting role at the back end of Seattle’s rotation. Impressive control was Iwakuma's calling card overseas, and he has a favorable home park behind him. Combine those factors with the Mariners’ quality defense and there is a chance that Iwakuma could have some Major League success right out of the gate.
Fantasy Bottom Line: Expected to land at back end of the Mariners’ rotation.
高橋   中継ぎ専門だが、セーブの機会もあり
A steep decline in strikeout rate was just about the only negative in Takahashi’s 2011 season. Otherwise, the Japanese import made a smooth transition from swingman to a full-time reliever, improving on both his ERA and WHIP from his rookie campaign in 2010. The 36-year-old will again serve as a setup man to begin this season, and he is a darkhorse candidate for save chances in the event Jordan Walden falters.
Fantasy Bottom Line: Bullpen role has suited him well.


2012-02-29 15:12:21 | MLB









解説者:  木村八段、村山五段








2012-02-29 06:57:07 | 将棋


  王座戦 ●●● 

  順位戦A級 ○

  王将戦挑戦者決定リーグ戦 ●

  JT杯決勝 ○

  NHK杯決勝 ○




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