

2004年参議院選挙 東京都結果

2010-07-08 16:29:03 | 2010年参議院選挙
改選数 4人
1位 1,014、269票 自民党 中山雅治
2位   991,477票 民主党 小川敏夫
3位   924,643票 民主党 蓮舫
4位   827,091票 公明党 澤 雄二
次点   596,272票 無所属 青島幸雄
     453,287票 共産党 今村順一郎
     381,771票 無所属 増元照明

2010年参議院議員 立候補者
改選 5人
小池 晃 50歳 共産党 党政策委員長
中山雅治 63歳 自民党 (元)環境次官
小川敏夫 62歳 民主党 党国民運動委長
蓮舫   42歳 民主党 行政刷新相


2010-07-08 16:09:22 | MLB


he can speak english he may feel uncomfy using it though so he uses a translator :)

In fact half of his english vocabulary are curse words!

Haven't you read that article on why the AL always wins the all star game? its cuz of Ichiro's colorful pregame pep talk lol!



2010-07-08 16:00:24 | 女子ゴルフ

Um, well, I feel fine physically. I feel strong. You know, my body feels the best it's felt in a long time. The only thing is just it's my hand gets very tired. Um, today was my third day hitting balls off the ground on the range, which is a huge thing for me -- not for some players out there.
But every time I've been in the range in the past, jeez, four or five weeks, I've hit off of a tee. My warmups consist of hitting off of a tee; everything I do is off of a tee. The last three days I've been able to hit off the ground, which is making some progress with that.
It's just my left side, my left arm gets very tired. You know, the muscles just aren't quite developed in my hand yet. You know, I've been doing a lot of forearm strength and things for my hand.
But the hard part is when you play, you can't practice as much. When I practice, I can't play as much. So I have to give a little, take a little back, kind of thing. It's trying to figure out what works best for me and my body.
It's been very difficult, very frustrating. You know, when you feel good but you can't do what you want to do, it's tough. But we're learning and we're, you know, working our way through this. It's going to take some time, but, you know, I'm willing to, you know, go back a few steps to gain a couple going forward.

I tore my ulnar collateral ligament. I tore my volar plate underneath, and had my tendon on top recentralized. So a lot of reconstruction. A lot done in a small, small space. That's why the swelling and, you know, not as many balls because it just -- the blood flow, there's not much that goes to your thumb.

Oh, I'm trying to think of the -- I practiced about two weeks before ShopRite, so it's been a couple weeks. Out here I'd say about -- this is my fourth week in a row. It's probably been about six, seven weeks where I've actually hit balls or putted or chipped.
You know, my first 18 holes since Thailand was here when I came and played a practice round before ShopRite. So it hasn't been that long. It will take about a year to be totally healed.

Oh, without a doubt. I take so much from last year into pretty much every event I go to now. I have a plan. I have, you know, this is what I'm going to do. I'm going to stick to it no matter what, no matter what the circumstances are, whereas last year I didn't have that.
That's learning, you know. It's just getting out there. And the USGA, they entice you. They want you to bite, and I bit. I bit pretty hard.
You know, you learn from that. A lot of maturity, a lot of, you know, I think I can do this. You know, you can't ever take away, you know, player's instinct, that's for sure. But at that time I probably -- I obviously made the wrong decision, but I also hit a couple of bad shots, too. So it works both ways.
I do. I have my plan, I have my goals of what I want to do on the golf course, and I'm going to stick to that.

I tee'd off at 7:00 this morning. It was okay, the front nine. But the back nine took three hours and 40 minutes. Standing out in that heat was tough. Hopefully our rounds in the tournament won't be six-hour rounds. That would be pretty tough, four days of that in a row.
But it's hot. It's humid. It's gross. (Laughter.) You know, this golf course just eats you alive mentally. Then when you have all of those factored into it, it's going to be the battle of the fittest, battle of who's going to stay the sharpest for 18 holes out there.
If you don't sleep well after every round out here, then something's wrong with you. Your mind isn't quite in it. But it's going to be who drinks the most, you know, that kind of thing.
It's also physically out here you have to be able to be tough.

Embarrassed? Oh, my.
No, I mean, everybody knows this golf course is hard. Everybody knows there's not going to be 20 birdies made. I think that's -- obviously that's gonna happen. But I think if you play smart, you put the ball in the right spots, you take what it gives you, you're going to get some bad bounces out there and you're gonna get some unlucky bounces, but it's going to be a battle of, you know, Okay, just play the next shot.
You have to take what the golf course gives you. It wants you to do more, but you have to kind of, you know, be less aggressive. You can't be a hero. You have to go out there, like I said, and just hit the fairway, hit the green, get your two-putt, and move on.

Well, 15, goodness, I was not -- I really wasn't, you know, doing much at 15; not considering playing professional. I had my junior career, but everybody is different. I couldn't have done it. I was 18.
You know, that was, for me -- everybody's different. They have their own ways of going different routes and doing different types of style to get you where you want to go.
She's a good player. She hits it a long way. Actually, I captained her in the Spirit Cup last year, so I got to watch her game a bit. She seems very motivated. I don't know how many events that she can play in as a professional, not being on the -- not having her card out on tour, but I'm sure she'll make the most of it.

I wanted to be in school; I wanted to play junior tournaments; I liked being at the academy; I liked traveling and playing the AJGA and playing the Curtis Cup, junior Solheim Cup, those kinds of things.
I liked that. That's what was best for me. That's always been the path that I've gone.
And the next question?

I think that you see a lot of young players having success and a lot of players, the ability that they can, you know, follow in those footsteps.
I think that we've had a ton of opportunities. I remember when I was 17, the summer of my junior -- going into my senior year was when I played in six professional LPGA events. I had sponsor's exceptions. I played in the Open. I think I took like 13th or something.
I feel that we have a lot of opportunity to play with the best players in the world, and I did that year. That's where I thought, Okay, if I can come out here -- I almost won ShopRite, you know, with Cristie -- you know, I played really well. And if you get that success with the best players in the world, it boosts your confidence.

Um, I hit a lot of 3-woods off the tees. Um, the bunkering -- for the tee shots? Is that what you -- yeah.
And especially because they're so firm, these fairways just keep going and going and going. You know, length really isn't the huge issue here. It's just placement.
And the...

The clubs I switch out?
Um, I have a 4-rescue and a 7-wood in my bag; I'm not caring a 4-iron, so the higher-lofted, longer clubs I'm keeping in my bag.
I don't necessarily hit a lot of long clubs into par-4s. Mainly for the par-3s and some of the layups on the par-5s. You know, the actual par-4s are relatively, you know, short irons, you know, 6-iron at the most, which is not really what we're used to for our Opens.
Normally we get tons and tons of rain so the golf courses never play the way we expect. But, you know, you don't hit a ton of long clubs into par-4s, so...

Um, the front box, I'll go for it. The back box, I will lay up down the right side.

Oh, without -- technology is huge. Equipment, golf ball, jeez, the video analysis of your golf swing. You know, filming it up, looking at it on the driving range, that kind of thing. Technology is a huge part of it.
Also, like you said, fitness. You know, I think we've learned a lot watching other athletes and taking -- or I have, for sure, taking what they do in their workouts to the golf course.
You know, you see many more athletic girls out there. That's important. Yes, we have to walk 18 holes, but, you know, you have to play in this heat you have every day type of thing. That's a huge part, where that's always been overshadowed in the past.

Well, that's kind of the gist of it all, is you don't ever expect to actually have to have surgery. You know, you don't plan for that, by any means. But this was something I had to do, and it wasn't going to get better on its own.
You know, it's been very difficult, because, you know, I feel fine. You know, I see the golf ball going where I want it to go, but my hand just doesn't allow it quite yet. It's not there yet, the strength issues and things like that.
But it's frustrating. You know, I want to be able to go hit some balls on the range, but I can't. I want to be able to hit knockdowns, but I can't. I want to be able to hold off shots, but I can't.
I have to change the way that I look at golf courses; I have to change the way that I prepare for them. You know, we've kind of said in the past I have a pitch count, you know, pretty much on the range. There are only so many balls I can hit before that I know that my hand is going to be strong enough to go out and play 18 holes.

I was sitting on the couch, going, What's going out on there? What's happening? But it's been crazy. It just shows, you know, there are so many players -- we've had, like you said, three No. 1 players in the last several weeks. I mean, when has that happened?
Lorena Ochoa retiring was a shock to us all. You know, hopefully she would love -- I know she's going to play in Mexico at her event, which would be great to see her again, but who knows what it will hold in the future. It shows there are a lot of players that can contend to be the No. 1 player in the world. Any given week, that bunch is just so close together.

I don't take any pain medicine just because I need to know what my hand feels like, if it's getting worse, if it's getting better. I've never done that. I took some Celebrex for swelling, that kind of thing.
But I've played, you know, sick. I've played hurt. I've kind of played through it all. You know, the hardest thing is playing golf in general, and when you have all these other outside elements being involved, it's so much harder, especially when you know it's going to hurt, overcoming just the fact that, you know, this shot's going to hurt or you look at your ball in the rough and you're thinking, Can't I just move it over a little bit?
You know, that's the hardest part, is knowing, seeing the future of, Okay, this is going to bother your hand. But that's mentally just being tough and just kind of grinding it out. This is what I have to do.
Um, you know, I wouldn't be out here if my doctor said, You're going to cause more injury; you're going to cause more damage. No more cortisone shots. I'm done with those. I've had my fair share.
But it is playing in pain, but it also makes you get your mind off of what you're doing, too. You're kind of thinking of other things and you're not always constantly dwelling on where your golf ball is in the next shot.

Thank you.

you know が48回も使われている。
kind of は9回。
I tore my ulnar collateral ligament. I tore my volar plate underneath, and had my tendon on top recentralized.


2010-07-08 15:42:40 | 将棋

1977年度 .629 22勝13敗 C級2組
1978年度 .707 29勝12敗 C級2組 ⇒ C級1組に昇級
1979年度 .784 40勝11敗 C級1組 ⇒ B級2組に昇級
1980年度 .640 32勝18敗 B級2組 ⇒ B級1組に昇級
1981年度 .695 41勝18敗 B級1組 ⇒ A級に昇級

1985年度 .882 15勝 2敗 順位戦は1986年度より
1986年度 .741 40勝14敗 C級2組
1987年度 .820 50勝11敗 C級2組 ⇒ C級1組に昇級
1988年度 .800 64勝16敗 C級1組
1989年度 .757 53勝17敗 C級1組 ⇒ B級2組に昇級
1990年度 .633 31勝18敗 B級2組
1991年度 .761 51勝16敗 B級2組 ⇒ B級1組に昇級
1992年度 .782 61勝17敗 B級1組 ⇒ A級に昇級

1987年度 .789 30勝 8敗 順位戦は1988年度より
1988年度 .714 45勝18敗 C級2組
1989年度 .634 26勝15敗 C級2組
1990年度 .722 39勝15敗 C級2組 ⇒ C級1組に昇級
1991年度 .797 63勝16敗 C級1組 ⇒ B級2組に昇級
1992年度 .700 35勝15敗 B級2組
1993年度 .656 40勝21敗 B級2組 ⇒ B級1組に昇級
1994年度 .700 35勝15敗 B級1組 ⇒ A級に昇級

2000年度 .658 25勝13敗 C級2組
2001年度 .615 24勝15敗 C級2組
2002年度 .739 34勝12敗 C級2組 ⇒ C級1組に昇級
2003年度 .750 39勝13敗 C級1組
2004年度 .724 42勝16敗 C級1組 (竜王奪取)
2005年度 .745 41勝14敗 C級1組 ⇒ B級2組に昇級
2006年度 .675 27勝13敗 B級2組 ⇒ B級1組に昇級
2007年度 .585 31勝22敗 B級1組
2008年度 .563 27勝21敗 B級1組
2009年度 .740 37勝13敗 B級1組 ⇒ A級に昇級

2007年度 .714 30勝12敗 C級2組
2008年度 .718 28勝11敗 C級2組
2009年度 .763 45勝14敗 C級2組 ⇒ C級1組に昇級
2010年度 .625  5勝 3敗 C級1組



2010-07-08 14:34:27 | 女子ゴルフ

Um, well, I played 18 today. Seems like really, really difficult golf course, like I never play like this situation, I guess.
So it will be just need patience, and I think I need to change my mind. It's not gonna make birdies like every hole. It's just trying to make par or maybe bogey or something like that.
But just I gonna enjoy my game and trying having fun with strategy.

It depend, but on like some par-4s I hit middle irons, and some par-4s hit 5-wood or something. So it's kind of (Through translator.) It depends.

Um, let's see. Well, I would say like most of par-4 I'm hitting like middle iron, like 6-, 5-iron, something like that.

Yeah, I've done that, like No. 10. It's kind of wide open in the front of the green. I putted, but it's breaking like forever. (Laughter.)
So I think I'm gonna chip some holes. It depend on the pin position, but... (Through translation.) So putting will be one of my options instead of just chipping.

I'm practicing at Big Canyon. I have a place in Irvine, Orange County.
Uh-huh, country club.
It's in Newport Beach, actually.

Thank you.

Okay. First I want to say thank you for coming. Well, I really surprise here it's so hot and humid, so I try to make my physically condition.
Well, it's really hot and sunny all day, so green and fairways getting firm, like concrete. Well, then -- but they're like really hard to play.

I already play last two weeks and I play very well. I think I feel my shot is getting better. Yeah, last Sunday I shot 64, so I have good condition and I have good confidence too.
And I already play course is very hard; green is very hard to read. It's very challenging course.

Actually some holes very long, but fairways so firm. Usually I'm using mid-iron or long iron, so...
But I have consistence with my driver shot and iron shots. Very important on green, I think.



2010-07-08 14:17:52 | サッカー

 ○オランダ 2-0 ●デンマーク
 ○オランダ 1-0 ●日本
 ○オランダ 2-1 ●カメルーン
 ○オランダ 2-1 ●スロバキア
 ○オランダ 2-1 ●ブラジル
 ○オランダ 3-2 ●ウルグアイ

 ●スペイン 0-1 ○スイス
 ○スペイン 2-0 ●ホンジュラス
 ○スペイン 2-1 ●チリ
 ○スペイン 1-0 ●ポルトガル
 ○スペイン 1-0 ●パラグアイ
 ○スペイン 1-0 ●ドイツ


2010-07-08 12:48:07 | 2010年参議院選挙


 ドクター・中松 82歳 発明家 東大

 有田芳生 58歳 ジャーナリスト 立命館大
 池谷幸男 39歳 体操教室経営 日体大
 岡崎友紀 56歳 女優、中大中退
 桂きんし 59歳 落語家 成城工高
 庄野真代 55歳 シンガーソングライター 早大院
 谷 亮子 34歳 柔道選手 日体大院

 堀内恒夫 62歳 野球評論家 甲府商高
 三原じゅん子 45歳 女優 明大中野高中退

 中畑 清 56歳 野球評論家 駒沢大

 敏いとう 70歳 歌謡グループリーダー 日大
 江本猛紀 62歳 野球解説者 法大中退



当選確実: 谷亮子

50%~90%: 有田芳生 庄野真代 三原じゅん子
30%~49%: 池谷幸男 岡崎友紀 桂きんし 堀内恒夫 江本猛紀
落選確実: ドクター・中松 中畑清 敏いとう

政治家として期待できる候補: 有田芳生 堀内恒夫 江本猛紀
政治家として期待できない候補: 残りの9人



2010-07-08 12:14:11 | 芸能

7月 6日  8.7%

6月29日  7.2%
6月22日  6.7%
6月15日  8.1%
6月 8日  8.6%
6月 1日  7.5%

5月25日 11.3%
5月18日  7.8%
5月11日 10.4% 
5月 4日  8.5%

4月27日 11.1%
4月20日  9.7%
4月13日 12.3%

7月 2日  8.7% 本音の殿堂
6月18日 10.8% 本音の殿堂
5月28日  9.7% 本音の殿堂

5月21日 14.1% 本音の殿堂
5月14日 11.4% 本音の殿堂
4月22日 13.0% 本音の殿堂
4月16日 15.1% 本音の殿堂



2010-07-08 10:34:39 | 将棋

1位 清水王将 3勝0敗 ○○○
2位 斎田四段 3勝0敗 ○○○
3位 北尾初段 2勝1敗 ○●○
4位 石橋四段 2勝2敗 ○●●○
5位 早水二段 1勝1敗 ー○●
6位 上田二段 1勝2敗 ●ー○●
7位 岩根二段 1勝3敗 ●●●○
8位 本田二段 1勝3敗 ●○●●
9位 甲斐女王 0勝2敗 ●●ー



2010-07-08 10:11:10 | 将棋

決勝T=決勝トーナメント 3番=挑戦者決定トーナメント3番勝負(勝者が挑戦)

 1期  4組 ○○○○○ 4組優勝
    決勝T ○●(島六段)

 2期  3組 ○○○○ 3組優勝
    決勝T ○○○
     3番 ○○(森内五段) ⇒ 島竜王に挑戦
    竜王戦 ●●○○○●○ 竜王獲得

 3期 竜王戦 ●●●○● 竜王失冠(○谷川王位)

 4期  1組 ●(脇七段) ●(南王将) ●(加藤) ⇒2組に陥落

 5期  2組 ○○○○ 2組優勝
    決勝T ○○
     3番 ●○○(佐藤六段) ⇒ 谷川竜王に挑戦
    竜王戦 ●●○○○●○ 竜王獲得

 6組 竜王戦 ○●○●●● 竜王失冠(佐藤七段)

 7組  1組 ○●(米長名人) ○○○(決勝T出場者決定戦)
    決勝T ○○
     3番 ○○(行方五段) ⇒ 佐藤竜王に挑戦
    竜王戦 ○○○●●●○ 竜王獲得

 8期 竜王戦 ●○●○○○ 竜王防衛(●佐藤七段)

 9期 竜王戦 ○●●●● 竜王失冠(谷川九段)
