


2007-03-03 12:12:14 | MLB

Daisuke Matsuzaka's spring training debut with the Boston Red Sox began when he gave up a leadoff double by a college junior. The Japanese star retired his other six batters Friday night.

Matsuzaka threw 25 pitches, 19 for strikes in the first two innings against Boston College.

Fifteen photographers stood behind home plate to capture his warmup pitches and more than 100 media members attended the much anticipated debut, even though it was just an exhibition game against a college team.

Johnny Ayers, a junior right fielder, lined Matsuzaka's first pitch, a fastball, to left field for an opposite field double. Some of his teammates in the dugout focused cameras on him as he took his swing.

But no other Eagles batters hit the ball hard before Matsuzaka was replaced after the second inning by Kyle Jackson.

"It's not a realistic goal to go out there and think I might hit a home run or a double. No one expects it," Ayers said before the game. "I'm hoping just to have a quality at bat, make solid contact. I think that's the best case scenario. I'm hoping to see a fastball."

Ayers, a punter on the BC football team, took third when Ryan Hutchinson was out at first on a ball tapped in front of the plate that was fielded by catcher Jason Varitek as Matsuzaka charged in from the mound. Then Matsuzaka struck out the next two batters, Jared McGuire and Peter Frates, on four pitches.

Joe Ayers, no relation to Johnny Ayers, led off the second inning by grounding out to second. Matsuzaka then set down Jeff Schomaker on a called third strike and Jett Ruiz on a popup to second baseman Dustin Pedroia.

Matsuzaka pitched with a deliberate motion, pausing momentarily at the top of his stretch before throwing. His fastest pitch was a 94 mph fastball for a ball to Joe Ayers. On his last pitch, he retired Ruiz on an 82 mph breaking pitch.

Matsuzaka is scheduled to make his first appearance against a major league team Tuesday against the Florida Marlins in Jupiter. Matsuzaka signed a $52 million contract with Boston after the team bid $51.11 million for his rights.



2007-03-03 07:58:15 | 芸能

2月25日:16.1% - 21.1% (5.0%)
2月18日:16.9% - 23.5% (6.6%)
2月11日:14.1% - 21.2% (7.1%)
2月 4日:14.2% - 23.0% (8.8%)
1月28日:16.3% - 23.5% (7.2%)
1月21日:16.3% - 21.8% (5.5%)
1月14日:14.7% - 27.7%(13.0%)



2007-03-03 07:31:49 | 芸能

2月27日 - 14.8%
2月20日 - 16.1%
2月13日 - 17.0%
2月 6日 - 14.7%
1月30日 - 15.6%



2007-03-03 07:23:07 | 芸能

A級順位戦、最終局 2

2007-03-03 06:26:57 | 将棋
○谷川 - ●藤井
○羽生 - ●三浦
○久保 - ●佐藤
○丸山 - ●郷田
○深浦 - ●阿部

1位 郷田9段 7勝2敗 - 名人挑戦
2位 谷川9段 6勝3敗
3位 羽生3冠 6勝3敗
4位 佐藤棋聖 4勝5敗
5位 丸山9段 4勝5敗
6位 藤井9段 4勝5敗
7位 久保8段 4勝5敗
8位 三浦8段 4勝5敗
9位 深浦8段 4勝5敗 - B級1組降級
10位 阿部8段 2勝7敗 - B級1組降級



2007-03-03 06:15:32 | 将棋
NHK BSで午後10時から夜中の2時まであった。いつもは寝ている時間だが、年に1度のことなので、張り切っていた。ところが、妻が「花より男子2」と「メントレG」を見るというので、11時半まで寝ていた。何とか起きたが、大半は寝てしまい、結局、勝敗も分からなかった。最後に深浦8段がB級1組に降級だけ分かった。来年は、頑張って最後まで見よう。