

Dice-K sharp in first BP

2007-02-25 17:15:13 | MLB

Photographers jammed the left-field line from home plate to third base. Daisuke Matsuzaka threw the first pitch of his first batting practice. Then he threw 43 more — fastballs, curves, sliders and changeups. When the Japanese star was done, Red Sox pitching coach John Farrell gave him a positive review.
"He's as advertised," Farrell said. "He really is."

Matsuzaka threw batting practice for the first time with Boston on Saturday and was very sharp. Josh Beckett and Curt Schilling took the mound before him but they might as well have been anonymous rookies. Everyone was waiting for the Matsuzaka show.

Manager Terry Francona has seen as much scrutiny of a batting practice session, if not more, when he managed a star from another sport at Birmingham in the Chicago White Sox system in 1994.

"Remember, I had Michael Jordan," Francona said, "and this guy can't dunk."

That's of no concern to the Red Sox, who love Matsuzaka's ability to throw six different pitches effectively with great control and movement.

The four minor leaguers who stepped in against him attested to that even though Matsuzaka or catcher Jason Varitek told them what pitch was coming.

"The guy's got good stuff. It's not a myth. It's not a tall tale," said Bobby Scales, who was the first batter to hit against him and let the first pitch — a bit high — go by. "The changeup was really good. It seems like it never gets to you and it just kind of floats."

"It was impressive," said Kevin Cash, next into the batter's box. "All his breaking balls he throws for strikes and very sharp."

Matsuzaka already had thrown three bullpen sessions, firing 103 pitches to Varitek in the last one, an amazing number early in spring training.

On Saturday, he took the next step to what the Red Sox hope will be greatness for a 26-year-old right-hander, who signed a $52 million, six-year contract after Boston agreed to pay the Seibu Lions $51,111,111 for his rights.

"Generally, it is easier for me to pitch against a batter," Matsuzaka said. "As I threw more pitches I felt that my arms were moving smoother so you saw what I was feeling."

Matsuzaka threw his first 20 pitches from the stretch position and the next 20 from a full windup. He followed that with one pitchout to each side of the plate and then one pitch to the outside of both sides with Varitek in a crouch. His fastball sped up as the session progressed. Of his 44 pitches, 20 were breaking balls.

"When I think of how I pitch during the games, I have runners in my mind," he said. "That's why I start generally from the stretch position."

When he's in a full windup, he pauses at the top of his delivery for differing durations so batters can't time his release.

"There's the element of surprise," Farrell said.

Matsuzaka is scheduled to throw 50 pitches in batting practice on Monday then make his first exhibition game appearance Friday night against Boston College. He's expected to throw 35 pitches or two innings, whichever comes first.

"All of his pitches have, I think, exceptional definition," Farrell said. "His changeup is just an outstanding pitch, as are all of his pitches, but I think his changeup really stands out."

Farrell actually noticed a flaw in Matsuzaka's delivery. Sometimes he releases the ball early and the pitch tends to go high. He's working on that.

"For me to see how far I have achieved in preparation for the games is to see how the batters are reacting to my pitches," Matsuzaka said. "So today was an important day for me."

When he finished throwing, he walked into left field. Photographers followed, leaving the line between third and home empty — just as the Red Sox hope he'll leave it with few opponents running to the plate.

"He's going to have tremendous success against major league hitters," Scales said.


アーロン vs. ロドリゲス

2007-02-25 06:44:39 | MLB
19  - ( 5) 
20 13 (36)
21 27 (23)
22 26 (42)
23 44 (42)
24 30 (41)
25 39 (52)
26 40 (57)
27 34 (47)
28 45 (36)
29 44 (48)
30 24 (35)-- アーロン20~30歳(11年間)の本塁打:366本
31 32
32 44
33 39
34 29
35 44
36 38
37 47
38 34
39 40
40 20
41 12     -- 31~41歳(11年間)の本塁打:379本    
42 20
計 755(464)



2007-02-25 06:25:52 | MLB
歴代本塁打記録 *は現役選手
1位 755本 Hank Aaron
2位 735本 Barry Bonds* 41歳
3位 714本 Babe Ruth
4位 660本 Willie Mays
5位 588本 Sammy Sosa* 37歳

9位 569本 Rafael Palmeiro* 41歳
10位 563本 Ken Griffey* 36歳
23位 487本 Frank Thomas* 38歳
26位 472本 Jim Thome* 35歳
27位 470本 Manny Ramirez* 34歳
29位 464本 Alex Rodoriguez* 30歳

( )はグリフィー。
年齢 本塁打
18  0 
19  5 (16)
20 36 (22)
21 23 (22)
22 42 (27)
23 42 (45)
24 41 (40)
25 52 (17) 
26 57 (49)
27 47 (56)
28 36 (56)
29 48 (48)
30 35 (40)
計 464(438)



2007-02-25 05:45:56 | MLB

19 Josh Beckett    26 6-5 222
18 Daisuke Matsuzaka 26 6-0 187
58 Jonathan Papelbon 26 6-4 230
38 Curt Schilling   40 6-5 235
49 Tim Wakefield   40 6-2 210

196cm、101kg ベケット
183cm、 85kg 松坂
193cm、104kg パペルボン
196cm、107kg シリング
188cm、 95kg ウェイクフィールド

現在No.1投手のサンタナは、6-0 208、つまり、183cm、94kg。


2007-02-25 05:19:35 | 将棋

森内俊之 24歳 1年 10勝1敗* - 現名人
谷川浩司 19歳 1年 10勝2敗* - 元名人
羽生善治 22歳 1年 11勝1敗* - 元名人
佐藤康光 26歳 1年 11勝1敗* - 元名人
郷田真隆 28歳 1年  9勝2敗*
丸山忠久 27歳 1年 12勝0敗* - 元名人
藤井 猛 30歳 1年  9勝3敗*
久保利明 27歳 2年  8勝4敗、8勝3敗*
三浦弘行 27歳 1年  9勝3敗*
深浦康市 32歳 2年  7勝4敗、11勝1敗*
阿部 隆 38歳 5年  9勝3敗、5勝6敗、7勝5敗、8勝4敗、8勝4敗*

鈴木大介 28歳 1年  8勝3敗*
森下 卓 27歳 1年  8勝3敗*
井上慶太 33歳 1年  9勝3敗*
島  朗 30歳 3年  7勝5敗、6勝6敗、8勝3敗*
高橋道雄 28歳 1年  8勝3敗*
森 雞二 29歳 2年 10勝3敗、9勝4敗*

先崎 学 29歳 1年  8勝3敗*
青野照市 30歳 3年  7勝5敗、9勝3敗、9勝3敗*
南 芳一 22歳 1年  9勝2敗*
桐山清澄 27歳 2年  6勝7敗、12勝1敗*
田中寅彦 26歳 1年  9勝3敗*
加藤一二三 18歳 1年 10勝2敗*
塚田泰明 23歳 1年 10勝2敗*


渡辺明 B級1組に昇級

2007-02-25 04:43:55 | 将棋

年齢 渡辺明   羽生善治
16 7勝3敗   8勝2敗
17 5勝5敗  10勝0敗*
18 9勝1敗*  8勝2敗
19 9勝1敗  10勝0敗*
20 6勝4敗   8勝2敗
21 8勝2敗*  8勝2敗*
22 9勝0敗* 11勝1敗*
23 ?      7勝2敗* 名人挑戦 
24 ?      名人



2007-02-25 04:28:56 | 社会


2007-02-25 04:23:50 | MLB



2007-02-25 04:21:58 | 芸能

