

My first boring blog :3

2013-02-15 15:52:41 | 日記
Hello, I'm Tomoko.
I wanted to write an English blog for studying. I tried it and let me know what you think about it :)

I've been studying English for 2 and a half years. I feel I need more practice!

I take an English class every week ( +・`ー・´) learn some new words and have fun!! At first, I was not able to speak English at all... Just say " Yes, No" lol.
I guess my first English teacher was having trouble with my poor English.
But now, I can understand much more.


Why am I studying English...
Because I want to make many friends from other countries and talk a lot!
I'm interested in other countries... Foods, Clothes, Customs and more :)

I want to talk about everything in English ( *´艸`)♪

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やっぱ英語うまいね! (ぶろでぃ)
2013-02-15 20:41:25
Hello Tomoko :)
I enjoyed reading you first blog entry. I can't wait for you to write more^^ I will read every update you make and try my best to support you and help you when I can :) thank you for being a good friend! I think you are amazing^^ Always your friend, keep up the great work!

