








evil deeds of capitalism
 We have Shakespeare's play called "The Merchant of Venice". It introduces the greedy Jewish moneylender named Shylock. At that time, money lending (finance) was considered a lowly occupation, but as times change, circumstances change.
 Capitalism has successfully organized human greed and survival instincts, but it is by no means perfect. However, it seems to be a better system than communism, which encourages laziness.

 As is the case with all things, when bad intentions are added to a good system or a good organization, it always brings disaster. There are various types of wrongdoing, such as those that can be clearly judged as bad, those that are unclear whether they are bad or not, and those that cannot be regulated by law.

 There is no doubt that it is an evil deed, but let me give an example that exists because of delays in legal development or because it is judged to be a necessary evil.
(1) Transfer of environmental pollution
 Some companies are evading regulations by relocating factories from countries with strict regulations to countries with loose regulations, such as regulations on the emission of polluting chemicals and global warming countermeasures.

(2) Planned obsolescence
 Planned obsolescence is a marketing term used by companies to improve their profits, but if energy and resource conservation measures are given priority, planned obsolescence is a corporate activity that policymakers should restrain.
 Recently, there is a shift in the direction of the circular economy, but I think the fundamental problem is the idea of due to make money by fueling consumer desires and inducing consumer.

(3) Military-industrial complex
 Without conflicts and wars, the munitions industry will become useless. Therefore, times of peace become times of recession for the military industry. In other words, the munitions industry itself always has a motive to spark conflicts and wars. If the munitions industry and politics are deeply involved, peace will be far from it.

 Capitalism is now sweeping the world, and although it brings many benefits, I think it also poses many serious problems.





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