Fight The Future


The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund

2010-01-17 | 政治
オバマ米大統領、ハイチ支援でブッシュ・クリントン両氏に協力要請(トムソンロイター) - goo ニュース

We are deeply saddened by the devastation and suffering caused by the recent earthquake in Haiti. The people of Haiti are in our thoughts and prayers.

We are pleased to accept President Obama’s request to lead private sector fundraising efforts. In the days and weeks ahead, we will draw attention to the many ways American citizens and businesses can help meet the urgent needs of the Haitian people.

Americans have a long history of showing compassion and generosity in the wake of tragedy. We thank the American people for rallying to help our neighbors in the Caribbean in their hour of suffering – and throughout the journey of rebuilding their nation.

Please refer to website for more information.

The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund