tetujin's blog


Rice paddy art

2017-10-04 22:03:29 | 日記

Instead of paint, rice plants of various colors are planted in patterns to create giant works of art, using the rice paddy itself as a natural canvas.
The different types of seeds show the differnt color of paddy, creating giant art pieces.
Rice paddy art is an technique unique to Japan. The rice plants used to create these amazing pictures are a combination of standard plants used for edible rice, and ornamental varieties grown since ancient times.
The palette includes ten strains of rice plant producing seven colors: green, yellowish-green, yellow, deep violet, white, orange, and red.

After deciding on an image, a rough sketch is made which is then elongated to compensate for viewing the finished work from an elevated, low-angle perspective.
Based on the final design, different varieties of rice plant are selected accordingly. Stakes are driven into the paddy and sectioned off with rope for each colored area of the image.

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