tetujin's blog


"No, I am not a peeping Tom!.....

2006-09-28 20:07:54 | エッチ: よい子は立ち入り禁止

Peeping Tom:          

"A person who gets pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, from secretly watching others; a voyeur.
In an age when we can speak of peeping Tom cameras or electronic peeping
we have indeed come far from the time of the legendary peeping Tom.
Godgifu (fl. 1040‐1080), Lady Godiva to us, pledged her legendary ride as a
means of persuading her husband, Leofric, Earl of Mercia, to lower taxes.
In the original version of the story she was observed by all the townspeople as she disrobed, but in a much later version of the story a tailor or butcher named Tom was the only person to observe her as she rode by, everyone else having shuttered their windows as they had been asked."
Reference: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.

"No, I was not peeping you!....."
My desperate resistance was no use among the scoffing people.

This is the old story about thirty years ago when I was a student which happened one day during my first trip to Europe.
I stayed a cheep hotel during the trip for south of Spain. In those days, the exchange rate was about 300 Yen/US Dollar, and I took that trip with carrying a guide book of "ten Dollar stay for one day in Europe" in my backpack. Well, I found thus cheep inn which the  room charge was five dollars or so....
The guest rooms were filled to the capacity with about ten guests enjoying
their summer vacation.
The guests next of my room was a family, the middle-aged parents and a teenager daughter, they seemed to came from north part of Spain or France...I guess.....
There were three guest rooms in one floor and the end room was the bathroom.
Shower was not in each of the room, so we had to share that.
After got back from the sight seeing, I was going to the bathroom. The next moment when I tried to open the door of that bathroom, I was surprised at
the teenager daughter, she was just getting out from there.
...................She was without a stitch of clothes on.....................
Thus unexpected matter, I could do nothing but paralyze. At such the moment, European guy will apologize himself for his being there....
Afterwards, her father came out from their room, and brought me into derision.. "You peeped the bathroom? hahaha...."
Because of my few vocabulary in English, I only could say was "No. I was not peeping...No,..."

What should I do at such a moment? Must I apologize her?