


2024-08-18 22:53:09 | ナイジェリア事情

The area has now been dubbed "Karkashin Gada", which in the Hausa language means “Under the Bridge”.

BBC 'I've been sleeping under a bridge in Lagos for 30 years' 2 days ago

Mansur Abubakar


Having lived for exactly half his life under a bridge in Nigeria's biggest city, Lagos, Liya’u Sa’adu sees himself as the "guardian" for the many other homeless people who have joined him there.

More than 60 men now live in the tightly knit outdoor community - with the busy and noisy Obalende Bridge over them - as renting even a shack has proved unaffordable for them.

Mr Sa’adu advises the newcomers - often young people from far-away towns and villages - on how to be streetwise in fast-paced Lagos, where it is easy to fall into crime and drugs.


It is unclear how many people sleep on Lagos' streets, but non-governmental organisations say they are up to half-a-million.


But in Nigeria, the government does not provide shelter for homeless people. Nor is there any plan to do so.

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