種まく人から人々へと・ 命の器(いのちのうつわ)



2020-01-27 17:56:54 | 文学・芸術


  生と死との おんなじ執拗な影に
  追いたてられた 哀れな詩人たち
  彼らはいま 冷たい豪華さに包まれて

  いまや 石ころのように哀れなものとなり
  彼らは 華やかな馬のうしろに横たわり
  ついに出しゃばりどもに みちびかれて
  仲間たちの間の 安らぎのない眠りへと赴く

  昔も今も 死者は死んだと信じて
  人びとは 葬儀をみじめな宴会(うたげ)に変える

  彼らは彼女の死を待ち伏せ それから侮辱した
  彼女はもう口を閉じていたから その歌で


Con mi más sentido pésame!

Gabriela Mistral nace en 1889, Pablo Neruda en 1904, se llevan, pues, 15 años.
En el momento en que se conocen, en 1920, él tiene 16 y ella 31 MISTRAL
In a brief encounter in Temuco, Gabriela Mistral insisted that Neruda read the grand nineteenth-century Russian writers.




Love Sonnet 59 by Pablo Neruda

Poor unlucky poets: whom both life and death
harass, with the same dark stubbornness,
who then are smothered in mindless pomp, committed
to rituals, to a funeral like a craw full of teeth.

Obscure as pebbles now, they are dragged
behind the arrogant horses, to sleep
without silence, overcome in the end
by the invaders, among their minions –

who, then, certain the dead one is dead, once and for all,
celebrate their sniveling feast at her funeral
with turkeys, and pigs, and other orators.

They sabotaged her death, and now they defame it –
but only because her mouth is shut:
she can no longer protest with her song.

-Pablo Neruda, from Cien Sonetos de amor
Soneto lix cien sonetos de amor (1959)

Pablo Neruda

Soneto lix(g.M.)

Pobres poetas a quienes la vida y la muerte
persiguieron con la misma tenacidad sombría
y luego son cubiertos por impasible pompa
entregados al rito y al diente funerario.
Ellos oscuros como piedrecitas ahora
detrás de los caballos arrogantes, tendidos
van, gobernados al fin por los intrusos,
entre los edecanes, a dormir sin silencio.
Antes y ya seguros de que está muerto el muerto
hacen de las exequias un festín miserable
con pavos, puercos y otros oradores.
Acecharon su muerte y entonces la ofendieron:
sólo porque su boca está cerrada
y ya no puede contestar su canto.  

Talk on Pablo Neruda’s relationship with the Soviet Union.
https://afisha.london/en/event/pablo-neruda-and-the-soviet-union/ より転載

In this absorbing presentation, Adam Feinstein – writer, poet, translator, film critic and the acclaimed biographer of Chile’s Nobel Prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda (his much-praised book, Pablo Neruda: A Passion for Life, was called ‘a masterpiece’ by Harold Pinter) – will trace Neruda’s fascinating relationship with the Soviet Union, from his very first visit in 1949 to celebrate Pushkin’s 150th anniversary to his final trips there for medical treatment in the early 1970s.

Building on his interviews with Neruda’s friends and colleagues in Russia, including Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Feinstein will bring the poet’s life and work vividly to life with readings from Neruda’s own remarkable account in his memoirs of his many visits to the USSR and delightful anecdotes relating to his friendships with, among others, Ilya Ehrenburg, Konstantin Simonov and Semion Kirsanov. Feinstein will also show rare video-clips of Neruda’s visits to Russia and recite some of Neruda’s moving poems dedicated to the country and its writers, as well as Yevtushenko’s touching lyrical tribute to Neruda.


