種まく人から人々へと・ 命の器(いのちのうつわ)



2019-03-02 08:10:54 | 文学・芸術


*「モルダウ~ヨセフ・モルナールの芸術 II~」ヨセフ・モルナール(ハープ)
Harp Recital: Molnar, Josef にあるようなCDも出されていて、さすが大家(マエストロ)であられると驚嘆いたします。

de Veritate Sacrae Scripturae https://archive.org/details/johnwyclifsdever00buddiala/page/n4

「我が祖国Bedrich Smetana Ma'Vlast My Country by B. Smetana」は祖国の自然の精霊が、フルートやハープの音色の呼び声により神話的な世界観の中で現れてきて、さらに東欧の中世の市民革命的な運動が発動していく、まさに輪廻する交響詩(曲)である。
モルダウの部分があまりにも有名で強調されるのだが、ヴルタヴァ川☆モルダウの流れのようにうねりながら指揮するラファエル・クーベリックの解釈を聴いていくと、◎の部分第2曲『モルダウ(ヴルタヴァ)』 だけではなく全体として展開しながら、さらに回帰していく叙事詩とも感じられる。

プラハの南、モルダウ河のほとりの崖の上に建つヴィシェフラド城は、10世紀後半に建設された中世ボヘミア王国の城で、そこではかつて伝説の吟遊詩人ルミールが、英雄や愛について歌っていました。 曲頭のハープの動機は、この吟遊詩人ルミールのハープを表したもので、以後、『わが祖国』全体を通じて変形使用されることとなり、この連作交響詩が、あたかも吟遊詩人によって歌われたボヘミアの物語であるといった様相を呈しています。







参考👇スメタナ 連作交響詩 《我が祖国》 の楽曲解説


1. 歌劇「リブシェ」~ファンファーレ(スメタナ)
2. チェコ&スロヴァキア国歌
3. 連作交響詩「わが祖国」全曲(スメタナ)
4. 連作交響詩「わが祖国」~演奏およびリハーサル風景





World Harp Congress – Official

In Memoriam: Professor Josef Molnar

Austrian harpist and long–time resident of Japan, Professor Josef Molnar passed away on 21st November 2018 in Tokyo. He was eighty-nine years old. The Japanese harp world is in unbearable sorrow in losing ‘The Father of the Harp in Japan’.

Professor Molnar was a long-time member of the Board of Directors and Corporation of the World Harp Congress and Chairman of the 3rd World Harp Congress in Vienna in 1987. He also taught many of the Japanese board members and members of the WHC.

Professor Molnar performed as a harpist and a vocalist throughout his career in Vienna. He performed with the Vienna Boys Choir, the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and the Vienna Philharmonic. He moved to Japan in 1952 on the invitation of the NHK Symphony Orchestra. Since then, he devoted almost all of his life to promote and improve the harp world in Japan. He established harp departments in some of the top music schools, and trained hundreds of talented harpists, as well as performing widely as a marvelous soloist. He was a founder and president of the Nippon (Japan) Harp Society, founder and chairman of the Karuizawa Music Summer School, the Soka International Harp Festival and the Nippon Harp Competition. He was decorated with the Highest Medal of Cultural and Art Honor by the Austrian Government and with the Orders of the Sacred Treasure by the Japanese Emperor for his contribution to Japan-Austria ties through music and music education.

Remembering Josef Molnar (1929–2018)

—by Sasha Boldachev

“It is painful for all the harpists to lose the father of our Japanese harp world. He came to Japan over 60 years ago and started the story of the harp, one could say. How innumerable much he has done for us, one could not express with the words. I believe he continues to send his love and support to us from the heavens.”
—Ayako Shinozaki, Vice–President of the Nippon Harp Association

The words “God” and “Father” appear on the lips of many harpists whenever the name of Josef Molnar is mentioned. Strong and charismatic, he managed to be a singer, harpist, composer, arranger, actor, and organizer of many events. He was the founder and president of the Nippon Harp Society, founder and chairman of the Karuizawa Music School, the Soka International Harp Festival, and the Nippon Harp Competition. Professor Molnar worked tirelessly without fail—his motto was, “Tired? Never…!” He worked in four schools and two orchestras, and he performed as a soloist throughout Japan. He is considered “The Father of the Harp in Japan.”

Born in Austria in 1929, his life consisted of a series of distinct memories: the Vienna Boys’ Choir, studying violin, flute, piano, and finally the harp, hiding from the Hitler invasion, “being recruited and sent to war, escaping in the very last moment, because the war was over,” “learning from the Jelinek brothers and working together with them in Vienna Philharmonie,” and leaving Vienna for Japan at the invitation of the NHK Symphony Orchestra when he was 23.

“I still cannot forget the delightful feeling of seeing the teacher who kept playing “Vienna, City of My Dreams” for his students at the Karuizawa Summer School… Everything was sparkling as if my eyes were holding tears… My teacher had many merits to admire, a lot of memories that make me happy and laugh. He was a wonderful teacher who loved you from the bottom of his heart….”
—Chizuru Kuwabara, teacher at Ginza Jujiya

The funeral was filled with former students; the students of Professor Molnar all over the world cannot be counted, and in Japan, almost all harpists were his students or the pupils of his students. He named the very first of them in his book: Junko Nobata, Yoko Nagae, Takako Shimazaki, Hiroko Shimazaki, Atsuko Yoshino, Sumire Kawajima, Kumiko Inoue. That was the beginning of almost seventy years of pedagogical work; Professor Molnar died Nov. 21, 2018 at the age of 89. In addition to teaching, Professor Molnar left us a large number of arrangements for the solo harp and harp ensemble, as well as his own works and etudes. This legacy is still being spread around the world.

“People always thought that he had no time even to breathe, but he was a true life–lover. He enjoyed every minute with people, eating and drinking, playing the pachinko game for hours. He was always inviting the people to his home, which at that time in Japan was not normal. At first people were shocked, but very soon they got used to his invitations and would cook together with him. All his students were like a family for him. The family he never had since leaving Austria.”
—Kumiko Inoue, professor at Musashino Academia Musicae

The funeral in Japan was an amazing mix of protocol, beauty, spiritual connection, and social engagement. Organized by the Japanese harp society, of which he was president until the very last day of his life, many came to pay tribute. There were more than 400 people on the first day alone.

“He was always very kind to his students. He could be impulsive and angry at lessons but immediately after very soft and pleasant. Once he told me, “You should go to Holland to study with Mrs. Berghout,” but I was really afraid. So he said that he would accompany me, and we went on a ship from Yokohama to Russian Nahodka, then to Khabarovsk, took a flight to Moscow, then another flight to Vienna, and arrived in Austria after after one week of traveling. I was 22, and he spent his time with me as father and a good friend. For me, he was just a very unique person, really unique”
—Kumiko Inoue, professor at Musashino Academia Musicae

Professor Joseph Molnar was one of the most prominent representatives of harp history, as a teacher, arranger, a diverse artist, and friend of hundreds of musicians. Save him in your memory and take comfort in a legacy that will forever live on.