種まく人から人々へと・ 命の器(いのちのうつわ)


死と向き合う面持ち(Faces for Death )Fathieh Saudi(1949-2016)

2017-01-20 06:03:12 | NPO 命・地球

知人に紹介された同じ海外アンソロジー(世界詩集)に掲載されていた。小児科医であり詩人であり、優れた社会活動家でもある*Fathieh Saudi(1949-2016)が、亡くなられていた。

Fathieh Saudiさんが歩んできた生き方が、この詩にも滲み出ている。生きられる限られた『時』でもある『命=人生』に"yes"と言いたい‼

Faces for Death(死と向き合う面持ち)

Be a singer, be
Venus the tender,

Be a kiss on my wounds,
Not a sword on my flesh,

Be comforting as a womb,
Not merciless as a barbarian,

Be my beloved tonight,
But remain faithful to life,

Don't become me, just
Let me be myself,

Come to me a rainbow in a dream,
Don't become too real,

Let me lie on the wet grass,
Have the earth's words,

Be my beginning, 
Not my end,  

Be my enlightenment, 
Not the darkness.  

*Fathieh Saudi(1949-2016) received several awards for her medical, humanitarian and cultural work, and was appointed Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite de France.

In memory of Fathieh Saudi (1949–2016)

The Mosaic Rooms are deeply saddened by the loss of Fathieh Saudi, a wonderful poet and a dear friend.

Fathieh born in Jordan in 1949, Fathieh Saudi completed her medical studies in France and worked as a paediatrician in Jordan and Lebanon. She became interested in writing and literature as a tool for personal development and healing, and eventually left the medical profession to pursue this.

She wrote two memoirs about the 1982 Lebanon War: L’Oubli Rebelle in French (1985) and Days of Amber in Arabic (1990). She is the author of three collections of poetry in English ­– The Prophets: A Poetic Journey from Childhood to Prophecy (2008), Prophetic Children (2012) and Daughter of the Thames (2012) – and one in Arabic, Bint alnaher (2011).

Fathieh was a loved regular of The Mosaic Rooms, attending many events.
In 2012 she presented a wonderful evening of poetry here with readings from her two most recent collections.

For more than 30 years she was involved with the defence of human rights, peace and justice, in particular in the Middle East. She received several awards for her medical, humanitarian and cultural work, including the Chevalier de l’Ordre du Merite. As well as serving as a trustee of English PEN and a passionate member of the Writers in Translation committee, Fathieh Saudi also served as the chair of Exiled Writers Ink and was a member of the Society of Authors.

A memorial service for Fathieh Saudi will take place on Saturday 6 February, 4pm to 6pm, here at The Mosaic Rooms. All are welcome to join in memory and tribute to her.

Fathieh Saudi obituary

Fathieh Saudi began writing poetry in English after moving to London
My Jordanian friend Fathieh Saudi, who has died aged 76, was a doctor, writer and poet. She studied medicine in France and worked as a paediatrician in Lebanon from 1976 to 1982, producing L’Oubli Rebelle (1985), about her experiences in the Lebanese civil war, in French. She then translated the book into Arabic as Ayam al Jamr (Days of Amber) in 1990.
On moving from Jordan to London in 2001, Fathieh started writing poetry in English. In 2007, she published The Prophets: A Poetic Journey from Childhood to Prophecy, retelling the stories of religious figures as dramatic monologues. Two years later, she published River Daughter, a short collection that describes the central place of the Thames in her life. Two longer versions of the previous collections were published in 2012 – Prophetic Children, and Daughter of the Thames. In them, one can sense the deep suffering the poet experienced from polio, cancer and the disappointments of the heart.
In London she gained confidence in her native language. After Daughter of the Thames, she decided to translate the poems into Arabic, in Bint Alnaher (2012).
Born in Amman, she was one of the six daughters and three sons of Abdel Majid Saudi, a businessman, and his wife, Yusra Dalbeeq. One sister, Mona, became a sculptor. Fathieh was educated at Zein el Sharaf school in the capital, and qualified as a paediatrician at the Sorbonne in Paris.
Fathieh received several awards for her medical, humanitarian and cultural work, and was appointed Chevalier de l’Ordre du Mérite de France. She was a chair of Exiled Writers Ink (2008-09), and a longstanding committee member working closely with the founding director, Jennifer Langer. She was also an editorial committee member of Exiled Ink magazine, a trustee of English PEN and a member of its writers in translation committee, and a member of the Anglo-Jordanian Society.Her poetry was published in Exiled Ink magazine, Psychosynthesis, Lapidus and the London Magazine.She is survived by her sisters, Majida, Zain, Mona and Hana’, and a brother, Ghazi.


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