
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ スリランカ:戦争犯罪隠ぺいのための軍事会議



(New York, May 25, 2011) – Governments should decline the invitation to attend a Sri Lankan military conference that seeks to legitimize the unlawful killing of thousands of civilians during the armed conflict with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Human Rights Watch said today.  The Sri Lankan government had previously claimed that China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea and Singapore were expected to attend the conference.


The Sri Lankan government has invited 54 countries to its “Seminar on Defeating Terrorism: The Sri Lankan Experience” from May 31 to June 2, 2011 in Colombo, the capital. The conference website says Sri Lankan military officials and panelists will “share their knowledge on Counter Insurgency and enumerate contributory factors in militarily defeating the LTTE.”


“Sri Lanka’s self-proclaimed ‘model’ of counterinsurgency included repeatedly shelling civilians, targeting hospitals, and trying to prevent the world from finding out about it,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “This conference is nothing more than a public relations exercise to whitewash abuses. No professional, law-abiding military should take part in this farce.”


In April, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon released a report by a panel of experts that concluded that both government forces and the LTTE conducted military operations “with flagrant disregard for the protection, rights, welfare and lives of civilians and failed to respect the norms of international law.” The panel found that the conduct of the war represented a “grave assault on the entire regime of international law designed to protect individual dignity during both war and peace.” It said that as many as 40,000 civilians were killed in the final months of the conflict, which ended in May 2009.

4月に潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)国連事務総長は、政府軍部隊とLTTEの双方が、「民間人の保護・権利・福利・生命を著しく軽視した」軍事作戦を行うとともに、「国際法の規範を順守しなかった。」と断定した専門家小委員会の報告書を公表している。双方の戦争での行為は、「戦争時と平和時における、個々人の尊厳を保護するよう意図された国際法の全体系に対する重大な攻撃」を意味することを、その小委員会は明らかにすると同時、2009年5月に終わった紛争の末期数ヶ月の間に、4万人に及ぶ民間人が殺害されたと述べている。

The Sri Lankan government contends that it pursued a “humanitarian rescue operation” with a policy of “zero civilian casualties” during the final months of the conflict, in which more than 300,000 ethnic Tamil civilians were trapped in the fighting. Shortly after the war ended, President Mahinda Rajapaksa said there was “no violation of human rights. There were no civilian casualties.” The army chief, Lt. Gen. Jagath Jayasuriya, said recently that all allegations of violations are “unfounded and baseless.”

紛争末期数ヶ月の間、30万人を越えるタミル人民間人が戦闘に巻き込まれたのだが、その際に「民間人犠牲者ゼロ」を目指す政策のもと、「人道的救出作戦」を実行した、とスリランカ政府は反論している。戦争が終了して間もなく、マヒンダ・ラジャパクサ(Mahinda Rajapaksa)大統領は、「人権侵害は全くなかった。民間人犠牲者はなかった。」と述べている。軍の最高責任者、ジャガス・ジャヤスリヤ(Jagath Jayasuriya)中将は、最近こう述べている。「違反行為があったという全ての主張は“事実無根、根拠のない”ものだ。」と。

Sri Lankan government officials have touted the Sri Lankan “model” of counterinsurgency to other countries. However, the expert panel, confirming earlier findings by Human Rights Watch, other national and international organizations, and the US State Department, concluded that government forces killed civilians through widespread and indiscriminate shelling, attacked known hospitals and medical clinics, and deprived civilians in the war zone of humanitarian aid. The panel also found that government forces summarily executed detainees, raped women in custody, and forcibly disappeared others.


The panel also corroborated findings that the LTTE used civilians as “human shields,” killed civilians as they tried to flee LTTE control, deployed military equipment close to civilians, recruited children, used forced labor, and conducted suicide attacks against civilians.


The panel called on the Sri Lankan government to carry out genuine investigations and recommended that the UN create an independent international mechanism to monitor the government’s implementation of the panel recommendations, conduct an independent investigation, and collect and safeguard evidence. Instead of acting on the report’s findings, the Sri Lankan government called the report “illegal, … biased, baseless and unilateral,” and began a diplomatic campaign to block international action on the report’s recommendations.


Rather than seeking accountability for abuses, the Sri Lankan government has called for a “re-evaluation of the rule of military engagement” in fighting terrorist groups, presumably to allow governments to ignore longstanding laws of war in counterinsurgency operations. 


Human Rights Watch said that the first step toward learning lessons from Sri Lanka’s war should be for UN member states to set up an independent international mechanism to conduct investigations in accordance with the panel’s recommendations.  


“There are important lessons to be learned from the defeat of the LTTE, a cruel and brutal insurgency,” Adams said. “But these lessons will not be learned as long as the Sri Lankan government distorts the truth and tries to keep its atrocities hidden.”



List of Countries Invited to the Seminar

The Sri Lankan government has listed the 54 countries invited on the conference’s website. A list of 30 countries that the government expected to attend was published on the website in April and is provided below. Australian and Sweden, both on the list, have said that they will not attend.  This list was later removed from the website, and Human Rights Watch has not been able to confirm with the listed countries whether the information is accurate. 



Australia  オーストラリア

Botswana ボツワナ

Canada カナダ

China 中国

Czech Republic チェコ

Ghana ガーナ

Hungary ハンガリー

Indonesia インドネシア

Israel イスラエル

Italy イタリア

Japan 日本

Kenya ケニア

Malaysia マレーシア

Maldives モルジブ

Mozambique モザンビーク

Nepal ネパール

Nigeria ナイジェリア

Oman オマーン

Philippines フィリピン

Republic of Korea 韓国

Romania ルーマニア

Singapore シンガポール

South Africa 南アフリカ

Sweden  スウェーデン

Switzerland スイス

Tanzania タンザニア

Turkey トルコ

Ukraine ウクライナ

Zambia ザンビア

Zimbabwe ジンバブエ

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