
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ ウクライナ:反乱分子が投票を前に東部を恐怖に陥れている



(Donetsk May 25, 2014) – Armed insurgents in eastern Ukraine have gone on a violence spree before the May 25, 2014 presidential elections, terrorizing staff of the district electoral commissions. The police, who are legally obligated to provide around-the-clock protection for electoral commissions, have not intervened and in some cases assisted the attackers.

(ドネツィク、2014年5月25日)- ウクライナ東部の武装した反乱分子が、2014年5月25日の大統領選挙を前に乱暴の限りを尽くし、地方の選挙管理委員会(以下選管)職員を恐怖に陥れている。法律上、選管に24時間体制の警護を提供する責務を負う警察が、暴力を止めさせるべく介入を行わず、襲撃者を支援したケースさえある。

“The violence by insurgents in eastern Ukraine has spiraled out of control,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “Armed groups are targeting electoral commission staff in eastern Ukraine for simply doing their job.”


Human Rights Watch researchers interviewed 10 electoral commission representatives and candidates in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, who described the increasing obstacles they have faced in preparing for the elections. Armed insurgents have raided and seized offices and destroyed equipment and paperwork. They have abducted and threatened electoral commission staff. Seven political activists monitoring the situation in Donetsk and Luhansk regions described to Human Rights Watch additional instances of attacks and intimidation of electoral commissions staff.


Most of those interviewed told Human Rights Watch that the police were largely unarmed and appeared to have no ability or willingness to deter or apprehend the attackers. Some said that the police allowed the insurgents to enter their electoral commission office, stood by without interference, and sometimes assisted the attackers during raids.


“I was immediately alarmed, not only by the presence of armed men,” one election official told Human Rights Watch, “but also by the fact that the two police officers, instead of showing them out, were having a friendly chat with them.”


A staff member of a district electoral commission in the city of Donetsk told Human Rights Watch that police officers looked on “helplessly” as armed insurgents entered the commission’s premises, handcuffed the commission chair, put him in a car, and drove away on May 22. He is still missing. The chair of a district electoral commission in Luhansk told Human Rights Watch that when she called the police to report threats she had received by phone, the police told her to “keep quiet if she wanted to live.” The same official said that many electoral commission members quit because they were too scared to come to work.


Starting in April, representatives of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk and People’s Republic of Luhansk have issued “decrees” that “banned” presidential elections in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and threatened to “execute” anyone who takes part in the elections in these regions. On April 23, Vyacheslav Ponomaryov, the self-proclaimed “mayor” of Sloviansk in the Donetsk region, told the media that his supporters were ready to “torture hostages” to ensure the elections fail. Denis Pushilin, co-chair of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk, said that the Ukrainian presidential election would not be held on the territory of the People’s Republic of Donetsk because “Ukraine is a different state.”


On May 24, a high-level representative of Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said at a media briefing that 9 out of 22 district electoral commissions in Donetsk region and 8 out of 12 in Luhansk region have ceased functioning due to raids and attacks on the commission staff by armed insurgents.


“The police failure or unwillingness to respond to these terrifying attacks is alarming,” Williamson said. “Election officials are completely helpless in the face of armed thugs who are abducting and harassing them.”


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