
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ コンゴ民主共和国:国際刑事裁判所が指名手配した反乱軍指導者を逮捕せよ



(Goma July 13, 2015) – The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo and United Nations peacekeepers should urgently act to arrest the rebel leader Sylvestre Mudacumura and transfer him to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, Human Rights Watch said today. Forces under Mudacumura’s command continue to be implicated in serious abuses against civilians in eastern Congo.


The ICC issued an arrest warrant for Mudacumura, the military commander of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR), on July 13, 2012, on nine counts of war crimes in eastern Congo’s North and South Kivu provinces. The alleged crimes include attacks on civilians, murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, rape, torture, destruction of property, pillage, and outrages against personal dignity.


“FDLR fighters under Mudacumura’s command have been responsible for some of eastern Congo’s worst atrocities, yet there has been little effort to arrest him,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “With Mudacumura at large, FDLR fighters have been committing horrific attacks against a long-suffering population.”


In new research Human Rights Watch has found that FDLR fighters have killed at least 94 civilians, raped dozens of women and girls, forcibly recruited children into their ranks, kidnapped people for ransom, and destroyed countless homes since 2012 when the ICC arrest warrant was issued. Human Rights Watch has heard allegations of many more war crimes by FDLR fighters during this period.


A 50-year-old woman whose arm was chopped off by FDLR fighters when they attacked her village in May 2012. During the attack, FDLR fighters with machetes killed her daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and baby grandson.



Those who have sought to expose and denounce the FDLR’s continued crimes have also been killed, tortured, or otherwise threatened. In one incident on January 12, 2015, in Ruhanga, Masisi territory, FDLR fighters killed a school director and his teenage son, whom they accused of having given information about the FDLR to government officials. Their bodies were later found decapitated, with their heads on sticks.


The FDLR is a largely Rwandan Hutu rebel group based in eastern Congo, some of whose leaders participated in the 1994 genocide in neighboring Rwanda. UN experts estimate the group to have around 1,400 active fighters in 2015, compared with 6,000 in 2008.


FDLR forces have been involved in atrocities against Congolese civilians since the group’s inception in 2000. The ICC has sought Mudacumura only for alleged crimes committed between January 2009 and September 2010, when the Congolese army, together with the Rwandan army and later with support from the UN peacekeeping mission, waged a military campaign against the FDLR.

FDLR部隊は、2000年に発足以降、コンゴ民間人への残虐行為に加担してきた。コンゴ軍は2010年9月にルワンダ軍と協力し、その後国連平和維持ミッションの支援を受けて、FDLR に対する軍事作戦を行った。ICCは、2009年1月からその2010年10年にかけての犯罪容疑に関してだけ、ムダクムラを指名手配している。

During this period, Human Rights Watch documented the targeted killings of over 700 civilians by FDLR fighters, many of whom the rebel group was “punishing” for alleged collaboration with its enemies. Most victims were women, children, and the elderly whom the rebels hacked to death with machetes or hoes or burned to death in their homes. These attacks were accompanied by widespread rape and other sexual violence. Human Rights Watch also documented abuses by Rwandan and Congolese soldiers during the military campaign.


Over the past two decades, the Congolese government has oscillated between considering the FDLR and its predecessor movements an ally and considering the group an enemy. The UN Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of Congo has reported extensive cooperation at times between Congolese army officers and their FDLR counterparts, some of which has reportedly continued in recent months. Congolese army officers have also shared in the spoils of the lucrative mineral and charcoal trades in which the armed group is involved, UN experts say.


The Congolese government should send a strong message to its military and civilian officials that any collaboration with the FDLR is strictly prohibited and that those involved will face disciplinary action or prosecution, Human Rights Watch said.


In late 2013, after the defeat of the M23, a Rwandan-backed armed group in eastern Congo, the Congolese government and UN forces were under increased pressure to launch new military operations against the FDLR. Their planned operations were delayed when the FDLR’s political leadership announced that its fighters would voluntarily surrender beginning May 30, 2014. In the months that followed, only an estimated 300 mostly low-level FDLR fighters surrendered.


Throughout this period, UN officials, international envoys to Africa’s Great Lakes region, and Congolese government officials working through church officials and other intermediaries tried to convince Mudacumura to surrender, but without success.


In February, the Congolese army began a military operation against the FDLR, known as “Sokola 2” (sokola means “clean-up” in Lingala and Swahili). UN peacekeepers were closely involved in planning the military campaign and expected to join the operations, but withdrew their support following the last-minute appointment of Gen. Bruno Mandevu as the army’s commander for the operation and Gen. Sikabwe Fall as the army’s regional commander for North Kivu province. The alleged involvement of Mandevu and Fall in past human rights violations has prevented UN peacekeepers from providing any support to an operation in which the two commanders are involved.


Since the operation began, the Congolese army says it has captured over 250 FDLR combatants. The operation does not appear to include efforts to apprehend Mudacumura, who is believed to be hiding in the remote area bordering North Kivu’s Walikale and Lubero territories.


The Congolese government and UN peacekeepers should make Mudacumura’s arrest a top priority, Human Rights Watch said. In April 2013, the US government announced a monetary reward of up to US$5 million for information leading to his arrest, transfer to justice, or conviction as part of its War Crimes Rewards Program.


“Mudacumura’s arrest is critical to ending attacks on civilians in eastern Congo and would advance international justice,” Roth said. “Whether it’s Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir or the FDLR’s Mudacumura, no one wanted on an ICC arrest warrant should ever think they are safe from arrest.”



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