
ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチ イスラエル:ガザ地区への地上攻撃に戦争法への懸念

イスラエル: ガザ地区への地上攻撃に戦争法への懸念


(エルサレム、2009年1月3日) - イスラエルによるガザ地区への地上攻撃が進行する中、人口の密集する都市部で戦闘が行なわれる可能性が高いゆえに、イスラエルとパレスチナの両軍は、民間人保護への懸念の高まりに対処しなければならない、と本日ヒューマン・ライツ・ウォッチは述べた。両軍は、民間人に危害を加える事を避けるために全ての具体的処置を講じ、また、人道支援要員と医療要員の立ち入りを推し進めるなどして、戦争法を厳格に遵守しなければならない。

 (Jerusalem, January 3, 2009) – As an Israeli ground offensive in Gaza gets underway, both Israeli and Palestinian forces must address heightened civilian protection concerns because of likely combat in densely populated urban areas, Human Rights Watch said today. Both sides must stringently abide by the laws of war, including taking all feasible measures to avoid harm to civilians and facilitating access for humanitarian workers and medical personnel.


Human Rights Watch investigations of previous ground operations in Gaza and the West Bank by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) found evidence of unlawful killings by Israeli forces. In addition, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups fired rockets or conducted other military operations from densely populated areas, placing civilians at risk of serious harm.


“An Israeli ground operation in Gaza will likely mean intense combat in densely populated areas, where the threat to civilians is substantial,” said Joe Stork, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Middle East and North Africa division. “The IDF and Hamas must take concrete steps to minimize the fighting’s impact on civilians or the results could be catastrophic.”


The IDF’s last major ground operation in Gaza, from February 27 to March 3, 2008, killed 107 Palestinians, more than half of whom were civilians, and wounded more than 200. Two Israeli soldiers died.


Human Rights Watch’s detailed field investigation of that operation found serious violations by the IDF, including the killing of a wounded man getting treatment in an ambulance, the shooting deaths of two civilians on donkey carts, and the shooting and wounding of two men in IDF custody. In two cases, tank crews opened fire on unarmed civilians. All of these incidents took place in an area that was firmly under the control of the IDF. Palestinian medics and ambulance drivers also faced restrictions on their ability to treat the wounded and dead – both civilians and combatants – and came under fire that killed one medic.


In February-March 2008, as on other occasions, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups placed civilians at risk by firing rockets and mortars from densely populated areas and storing weapons in civilian structures. Those acts, too, violate the laws of war.


Human Rights Watch said that during past hostilities both sides have failed to take adequate steps to remove civilians from areas where there was fighting, putting them at unnecessary risk. A senior IDF legal advisor recently told Human Rights Watch that it is still standard procedure for IDF troops to detain civilians in houses in which the IDF deploys, thus exposing them to danger of attacks from Palestinian forces.


( )。IDFは装甲車両の通行を確保するために、住民の家を取り壊す装甲ブルドーザーを使用したが、その破壊が考えられる軍事目的をはるかに超えたものに拡大することが間々あった。IDFは医療要員と医療用車両がジェニン難民キャンプに入る事を11日間にわたり阻止し、IDFの兵士は救急車に繰り返し発砲した。

Past IDF ground operations raise additional concerns. Human Rights Watch’s on-the-ground investigation of the April 2002 IDF ground operation in Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank found that at least 22 of the 52 Palestinians killed were civilians, including some as the result of unlawful or willful killings by the IDF ( ). The IDF used armored bulldozers to demolish residents’ homes to clear the way for armored vehicles, but in some cases the destruction extended well beyond any conceivable military objective. The IDF blocked the passage of medical personnel and vehicles into Jenin refugee camp for 11 days, and IDF soldiers repeatedly fired on ambulances.


During Jenin and other ground operations, Israeli soldiers have at times forced civilians, sometimes at gunpoint, to accompany IDF troops during their searches of homes, forcing them to open doors and perform other dangerous tasks in violation of the laws of war. A 2005 Israeli Supreme Court ruling banned this practice.


A central problem has been the lack of accountability for past violations of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch said. The IDF told Human Rights Watch that it had not opened any investigations into potentially unlawful deaths from the March 2008 Gaza operations, called Operation Warm Winter, although it was investigating three reported cases of theft by Israeli soldiers. Similarly, Hamas has done nothing to hold accountable those who have deliberately and unlawfully fired rockets into, or from, civilian areas.


“Failing to punish soldiers for serious abuses sends a terrible message to those fighting in Gaza that future abuses too will be ignored,” said Stork.


More than 400 Palestinians in Gaza have died in fighting over the past week. According to the United Nations, about one-quarter of them are civilians. Palestinian rocket fire has killed three Israeli civilians in the same period.


To minimize civilian casualties during a possible ground offensive in Gaza, Human Rights Watch urged the IDF and Hamas and other Palestinian forces to implement the following recommendations:


To the IDF:

  •  軍事作戦を実行する際、民間人住民に危害を加えないために、戦争法に従うよう配慮する事
  • In the conduct of military operations, take constant care in accordance with the laws of war to spare the civilian population.
  •  民間人を攻撃目標にする、若しくは無差別に傷つける攻撃の禁止と、民間人と戦闘員を常に区別を要求する戦争法に厳密に従った交戦規定を発行する事
  • Issue clear rules of engagement that adhere strictly to the laws of war prohibition against attacks that target or indiscriminately harm civilians and the requirement to distinguish at all times between civilians and combatants.
  • 民間人に及ぼす危害や、民間目標物に与える損害が、期待される具体的かつ直接的な軍事的優位性に相関して過度になる攻撃を行わないことによって、不均衡攻撃禁止に従う事。·
  • Adhere to the prohibition against disproportionate attacks by not launching any attack that may be expected to cause harm to civilians or damage to civilian objects that would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.
  •  職務をまっとうするための医療要員と救急車の自由な活動、及び負傷した人々の治療を受けるための自由な移動を保障する事。真に安全保障上の理由で行なわれる移動制限措置は、一時的なものでなくてはならず、常に再検討され、どうしても必要な範囲に限られなければならない。
  • Ensure the unhindered movement of medical personnel and ambulances to carry out their duties and of wounded persons to access medical care. Any restrictions on movement for genuine security grounds must be temporary, subject to regular review, and imposed only to the extent absolutely necessary.
  • 軍事作戦を推し進めるために、民間人を“人間の盾”のように使うなど、民間人を強制的に使用しない事。軍事作戦のためにイスラエル防衛軍によって占拠された家や建物の中に、パレスチナ民間人を監禁するのを開扉する事。
  • Do not make coercive use of civilians to facilitate military operations, such as by using them as “human shields.” Avoid compelling Palestinian civilians to remain inside homes or other structures taken over by the IDF for military operations.
  •  民間人住民が十分な食料、医療、その他必要不可欠な人道的物資をとサービスの供給を受けられるよう保障するために必要な全ての手段を講じる事。
  • Take all necessary steps to ensure that the civilian population has access to sufficient food, medical care, and other essential humanitarian goods and services.
  •  群集をコントロールしなければならない事態を処理するに当たって、非致死的な手段を軍に提供する事。
  • Provide troops with non-lethal means to deal with possible crowd-control situations.
  •  ジャーナリスト及び人道援助機関にガザ地区への立ち入りを認め、真に安全保障上の理由で行なわれる立ち入りと移動に対する制限措置は、一時的なものとし、常に再検討し、どうしても必要な範囲に限るのを保障する事。
  • Allow journalists and humanitarian agencies access to Gaza and ensure that any restrictions on access and movement for genuine security grounds be temporary, subject to regular review, and only imposed to the extent absolutely necessary.



To Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups:

  •  軍事作戦を実行する際、民間人住民に危害を加えないために、戦争法に従うよう配慮する事
  • In the conduct of military operations, take constant care in accordance with the laws of war to spare the civilian population.
  •  全ての計画的及び無差別なイスラエル人居留区に対するロケット攻撃を止める事
  • Cease all deliberate and indiscriminate rocket attacks against Israeli population centers.
  •  支配下にある民間人住民を攻撃の影響から保護するために、人口密集エリア内若しくは近くでの軍事作戦を実施することや軍事目標を設置するのを避ける、軍事目標の周辺から民間人を退去させるなど、実行可能な予防措置を講ずる事。
  • Take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population under their control against the effects of attacks, including by avoiding conducting military operations from or locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas, and, to the extent feasible, removing civilians from the vicinity of military objectives.
  •  戦闘要員や他の軍事目標を攻撃から守る目的、若しくは軍事作戦を利する又は妨害する目的で、民間人を“人間の盾”として使用しない事。
  • Do not use civilians as “human shields” by using them for the purpose of protecting combatants or other military objectives from attack, or to favor or impede military operations.
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