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チェルシー、スターの競演 その4

What Mourinho said-

「これまでチェルシーに残りたいと50回は言ったけど、必要なら51回目を言おうか? 52回だっていいぞ!」
-2007年3月20日付 スポニチ

Mourinho's future has again been the subject of intense speculation but he admitted talking about the subject was becoming tiresome.

"I am getting tired of it a little,"
"But it doesn't change my mind. If have to say it 51 times instead of 50, I want to stay at Chelsea I will say it. If I have to say if 52 times, I will say it 52 times.

what Mourinho said after beating Sheffield Utd. Saturday 17.
Sheva's getting better - Mourinho


Mourinho added: "I say this kind of word 10 times in every 15 words."
"I say it 50 times a game, 50 times in training.

Monday, 12 March 2007


not completed


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