サッカー、テニス、バレエ、オペラ、クラシック音楽 そのほか

けが人が6人 チェルシーモウリーニョが会見で明かす

JM: Drogba, Lampard, Ballack, Carvalho. You are speaking about 40% of the team. You're speaking about the spine of the team. One central defender, two midfield players, one striker. After that you go for Pizarro, he's the second target man of the team. so you should be the direct replacement of Didier, and he's out it's five. and you go to Wayne Bridge, and you have Ashley Cole as the only left back playing every game, every minutes, Chelsea, Natioanal Team, everything. So the problem is not four or five or six injuries the probelm is, which players they are. the importance of the players for the team. That's the problem. And for example in this moment, when you speak about Drogba and Lampard, I don't have six maybe you're speaking about more than 50% of the team who scores. So the important injuries for us, you know, but the reality. I'm speaking words because you ask me. because I don't wanna cry on it. I want to work with the players I have available try to play the best and try to get the best result in it.



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Mourinho compares his squad to eggs

"The style of how we play is very important. But it is omelettes and eggs. No eggs - no omelettes! It depends on the quality of the eggs. In the supermarket you have class one, two or class three eggs and some are more expensive than others and some give you better omelettes. So when the class one eggs are in Waitrose(*) and you cannot go there, you have a problem."
Jose Mourinho is desperate for Chelsea to scramble a win from somewhere.

* …イギリスの高級スーパーマーケットのことだって。

ジョゼ・モウリーニョ「どうプレーするかが問題になってくるんだよ。 オムレツと卵のようなものでね。卵がなくちゃ、オムレツは作れない。それにオムレツの出来は卵の品質にもよる。スーパーマーケットには最高級の卵だってちょっと落ちる卵だって売ってるでしょ。値の張る卵を使えばおいしいオムレツが出来ますよね。でも最高級の卵がウエイトローズにしかなくってそこに買いにいけなかったら、おいしいものは食べられないわけですよ。」

BBC に映像もUPされています。
もう~モウリーニョさんったら、必ずCL前の会見では記事になるようなことを言うんだよね~ さすがです。

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