


2012-07-30 04:02:30 | 旅行
06:43 from TweetList!
Oneself polishing is a theme. The year when I can hit some kind of reasons and talk oneself over,

06:44 from TweetList!
and it is not particularly used not to do not having been able to do it even if I want to do it so far and the thing that you should do.

06:45 from TweetList!
I go out and disgrace myself if I do not do "something" to raise oneself, and there is only a challenge because I will be sorry.

06:46 from TweetList!
It is respected with thanks by the London Olympics

08:49 from TweetList!
Believe that lead to good results in my life all that hard in life. pic.twitter.com/NNA1gj4Z

by superkoolman on Twitter