文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2019年04月28日 23時37分52秒 | 日記

第四章 朝日と韓国はこんなに似ている


2019年04月28日 21時46分34秒 | 日記


l'esercito americano occupò Okinawa come base strategica per l'Oceano Pacifico

2019年04月28日 19時03分37秒 | 日記

Comunismo "di sinistra": un paziente con disordine infantile, due documenti che sono essi stessi ... che non è un'esagerazione affermare che sono figli di Asahi Shimbun o della bandiera rossa, che Okinawa è governata da due documenti,
Non solo il Giappone sarà diviso, ma minerà anche la base di sicurezza del Giappone e renderà il Giappone ugualmente vulnerabile.
Okinawa è come un'anatra seduta per stratagemma della Cina e della penisola coreana.
Okinawa è ...
Essendo il punto più importante in difesa e attacco, entrambi strategici per il Giappone e loro,
Per questo motivo, l'esercito degli Stati Uniti (GHQ) ha messo una base a Okinawa,
Per ridurre il carico, il Giappone continua a rinunciare a sussidi speciali su 47 prefetture di Okinawa,
Di conseguenza la linea di vita, l'infrastruttura è approvata Okinawa ...
Non è esagerato affermare che ora è la prefettura giapponese resistente ai disastri.
Senza questi, dì 'Okinawa è pietoso ...' ecc ...
Psuedo-moralismo che è d'accordo con il fatto di sinistra ...
Non è esagerato dire che non è più un grave atto criminale contro il Giappone.
Dall'ultimo libro pubblicato di Masayuki Takayama, che è l'unico giornalista nel mondo del dopoguerra.
Per quanto riguarda Okinawa, non è esagerato dire che non possiamo parlare a meno che non leggiamo questo documento.
Perché Okinawa sembra la Corea?
I paesi che circondano la Cina, stavano andando a calpestare la Cina oltre la Grande Muraglia se si sentivano inclini a farlo.
Xiongnu ha minacciato Han e reso omaggio al cibo, e ha anche avuto Wang Zhaojun, una delle quattro grandi ragazze di bellezza.
Xianbei costruì la dinastia Tang sulla pianura centrale.
L'impero tibetano ha attaccato e distrutto la metropoli di Tang, Chang'an.
La Mongolia arrivò alla conquista e dopo un po 'anche i Manciù invasero e schiavizzarono i cinesi.
Secondo i cinesi, anche il Giappone ha preso il loro territorio e governato più culturalmente.
Questo perché il 75 percento delle parole che usano nella loro costituzione sono "kanji" che il Giappone ha creato.
Tali "Quattro barbari otto barbari" hanno la loro esperienza di governare la Cina, ma la più vicina "La mia unica Corea non potrebbe governare la Pianura centrale. Come un paese povero? " Mi sono lamentato.
C'è una ragione.
Non appena la Corea apparve nella storia, continuò ad essere governata dal Giappone e dalla Cina.
La nazione media guerre e ottiene schiavi, ma perché la Corea non ha mai vinto, rende schiavi la sua stessa gente.
Di conseguenza, nel mondo è stata creata una misteriosa "nazione schiava autosufficiente" (Kō Bun'yū).
Gli schiavi occupano il 40% della popolazione.
La donna si trovava in una situazione simile a quella di uno schiavo, e fino a quando l'annessione giapponese non ebbe un nome, e visse in una strana usanza che mostrava entrambi i seni di lei quando aveva un figlio.
La reputazione del "Paese abbandonato" senza risorse né risorse umane non era molto buona.
'Le persone sono persone incompetenti, ostentate, non amano i loro sforzi' (Goncharov).
Quindi i campi e le montagne rimangono difficili.
Hanno reso il loro paese ancora più povero.
"Non hanno la capacità di riformarsi" (Isabella Bird) Nel frattempo, sono solo orgogliosi, l'invidia è la più forte del mondo.
La Corea sta pensando al Giappone come un grado inferiore in un modo egoista, ma quando è stato indotto ad essere indipendente dal Giappone, la Corea si è accoccolata con la Cina e ha fatto la causa della guerra sino-giapponese.
Quando il Giappone sconfisse Qing e rese la Corea indipendente, attirò a sua volta la Russia.
Oltre all'invidia, la natura nativa del paese ha continuato a guidare la destabilizzazione della regione.
Quindi, il Giappone è caduto in battaglia con la Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt scrive ad Alfred Mahan che ritiene "una seria minaccia" per il Giappone attraverso l'Oceano Pacifico.
Vedendo che il Giappone ha vinto un'importante vittoria sulla Russia nella battaglia del Mar del Giappone, ha detto che avrebbe condotto un discorso di pace su Giappone e Russia una settimana dopo.
Ha premuto il trattato di Portsmouth contro il Giappone senza alcun compenso da parte della Russia o custodia della terra, in modo che "il Giappone nella minaccia" non sarebbe più forte.
Ha anche avuto l'idea di "premere Korea contro il Giappone" (C. Shaw, "La pressione esterna che ha distrutto l'indipendenza della Corea").
Il Giappone sarà imbarazzato e stanco se assume un paese pesante.
Anche un fatto è andato così.
Continuano a strofinarci nel modo sbagliato, non solo ad apprezzare la modernizzazione del Giappone con il 20% del budget nazionale, ma anche a dire positivamente, "1000 anni di rancore".
Okinawa sembra la Corea.
L'ex dinastia Ryukyu era la stessa della Corea del Nord, ed emetteva una dittatura comunista, tormentava il popolo e devastava la terra agricola.
Il dominio di Shimazu, che non era in grado di lasciarsi passare inosservato, intervenne a Ryukyus e abolì la cattiva condotta. La gente si rallegrava.
Dopo la restaurazione Meiji, quando il duca Nabeshima fu nominato governatore, Ryukyu King chiamò Qing per il soccorso perché avrebbe perso la sua posizione e presentato una denuncia direttamente al Regno Unito.
Ha fatto la stessa cosa 30 anni fa, così come Joseon che ha fatto causa alla Conferenza Mondiale della Pace dell'Aia.

Nella guerra precedente, l'esercito americano occupava Okinawa come uno str

Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.

2019年04月28日 18時59分24秒 | 日記

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder Patients, two papers that are themselves ... that it is no exaggeration to say that they are children of the Asahi Shimbun or the red flag, that Okinawa is ruled by two papers,
Not only will Japan be divided, it will also undermine Japan's security base and make Japan equally vulnerable.
Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.
Okinawa is ...
Being the most important point in defense and attack, both strategic for Japan and them,
Because of that, the United States military (GHQ) has put a base in Okinawa,
In order to reduce its burden, Japan continues to drop special subsidies out of 47 prefectures in Okinawa,
As a result lifeline, infrastructure is provisioned Okinawa ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is now Japan's No. 1 disaster resistant prefecture.
Without these, say 'Okinawa is pitiful ...' etc ...
Psuedo-moralism that agrees with Left-Wing fact ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a serious criminal act against Japan.
From the latest published book of Masayuki Takayama, who is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
As for Okinawa, it is no exaggeration to say that we can not speak anything unless we read this paper.
Why does Okinawa look like Korea?
The countries surrounding China, they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.
Xiongnu threatened Han and made a tribute to food, and also got Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauty girls.
Xianbei built the Tang Dynasty over the Central Plain.
The Tibetan Empire attacked and destroyed the Tang's metropolis, Chang'an.
Mongolia came to conquest, and after a while the Manchus also invaded and slaved the Chinese together.
According to the Chinese, Japan also took their territory and ruled more culturally.
That's because 75 percent of the words they use in their constitution are 'kanji' that Japan created.
Such 'Four Barbarians Eight Barbarians' have their own experience of ruling China, but the closest 'My only Korea could not rule the Central Plain. How a poor country?' Im Che lamented.
There is a reason.
As soon as Korea appeared in history, it continued to be ruled by Japan and China.
The average nation wars and gets slaves, but because the Korea hasn't ever won, it enslaves its own people.
As a result, a mysterious 'self-sufficient slave nation' was created in the world (Kō Bun'yū).
Slaves occupy 40 percent of the population.
The woman was in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name, and lived in a strange custom that exposing both breasts of her when she had a boy.
The reputation of the 'Abandoned Country' with neither resources nor human resources was not very good.
'The people are incompetent, ostentatious people, dislike their efforts' (Goncharov).
So fields and mountains remain rough.
They made their country even poorer.
'They lack the ability to reform themselves' (Isabella Bird) In the meantime, they are only proud, envy is the strongest in the world.
Korea is thinking of Japan as a lower rank in a self-serving manner, but when prompted to be independent by Japan, Korea cuddled with China and made the cause of the Sino-Japanese war.
When Japan defeated Qing and made Korea independent, it drew Russia in turn.
In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of the region.
So, Japan has fallen into battle with Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt writes to Alfred Mahan that he feels 'a serious threat' about Japan across the Pacific Ocean.
Seeing that Japan won a major victory over Russia in the Battle of the Japan Sea, he said he would lead a peace talk of Japan and Russia a week later.
He pressed the Portsmouth Treaty against Japan with no compensation from Russia or custody of the land, so that 'Japan in the threat' would not be stronger.
He also came up with the idea of 'pressing Korea against Japan' (C. Shaw, 'External pressure that destroyed Korea's independence').
Japan will be embarrassed and tired if it takes on a burdensome country.
A fact, too, went like that.
They continue to rub us the wrong way, not only to appreciate the modernization by Japan with 20% of the national budget, but also they are saying saying positively, '1,000 years grudge'.
Okinawa looks like Korea.
The former Ryukyu Dynasty was the same as North Korea, and issued a communist dictatorship, tormenting the people, and ravaging agricultural land.
The domain of Shimazu, which was unable to let pass unnoticed, intervened in Ryukyus and abolished misconduct. The people rejoiced.
After the Meiji Restoration, when Nabeshima duke was appointed as governor, Ryukyu King called Qing for relief because he would lose his position and directly filed a complaint with the United Kingdom.
He did the same thing 30 years ago, as did Joseon who sued the Hague World Peace Conference.

In the previous war, the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might.
Armacost added its importance to 'cobblestones'.
Japan defended hard.
The special attack was launched, and the battleship Yamato was also issued.
They complain that Japan's hard defenses and battles are 'sacrifice Okinawa for'.
Victim awareness is worse than Korea's 'seven robbery'.
Paul Wyatt Caraway, a third-generation Okinawa High Commissioner, supported finance by saying 'making Okinawa a Japan also envy high-income area,' and improved the medical environment.
However, only the relative and local bosses were selected by the bank.
They put all good medicines on the black market to the mainland of Japan
The good intentions of the United States produced only privilege and corruption.
It looks like Korea, who is incompetent, ostentatious and does not make efforts.
Nevertheless, shout out autonomy expansion in the mouth.
Caraway ran out and said, 'It is a myth, such as the autonomy of Okinawa.'
After being aware that being occupied with Okinawa, Japan was resurrected to open the Olympics.
The United States remembered Theodore Roosevelt when it saw the resurgence of 'Japan in threat'.
That's it.
We let a holy terror push on Japan.
Japan will be embarrassed, and will be as tired as it was when Korea was pressed.
Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.
(August 13, 20, 2015 issue)

the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might

2019年04月28日 18時58分46秒 | 日記

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder Patients, two papers that are themselves ... that it is no exaggeration to say that they are children of the Asahi Shimbun or the red flag, that Okinawa is ruled by two papers,
Not only will Japan be divided, it will also undermine Japan's security base and make Japan equally vulnerable.
Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.
Okinawa is ...
Being the most important point in defense and attack, both strategic for Japan and them,
Because of that, the United States military (GHQ) has put a base in Okinawa,
In order to reduce its burden, Japan continues to drop special subsidies out of 47 prefectures in Okinawa,
As a result lifeline, infrastructure is provisioned Okinawa ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is now Japan's No. 1 disaster resistant prefecture.
Without these, say 'Okinawa is pitiful ...' etc ...
Psuedo-moralism that agrees with Left-Wing fact ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a serious criminal act against Japan.
From the latest published book of Masayuki Takayama, who is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
As for Okinawa, it is no exaggeration to say that we can not speak anything unless we read this paper.
Why does Okinawa look like Korea?
The countries surrounding China, they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.
Xiongnu threatened Han and made a tribute to food, and also got Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauty girls.
Xianbei built the Tang Dynasty over the Central Plain.
The Tibetan Empire attacked and destroyed the Tang's metropolis, Chang'an.
Mongolia came to conquest, and after a while the Manchus also invaded and slaved the Chinese together.
According to the Chinese, Japan also took their territory and ruled more culturally.
That's because 75 percent of the words they use in their constitution are 'kanji' that Japan created.
Such 'Four Barbarians Eight Barbarians' have their own experience of ruling China, but the closest 'My only Korea could not rule the Central Plain. How a poor country?' Im Che lamented.
There is a reason.
As soon as Korea appeared in history, it continued to be ruled by Japan and China.
The average nation wars and gets slaves, but because the Korea hasn't ever won, it enslaves its own people.
As a result, a mysterious 'self-sufficient slave nation' was created in the world (Kō Bun'yū).
Slaves occupy 40 percent of the population.
The woman was in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name, and lived in a strange custom that exposing both breasts of her when she had a boy.
The reputation of the 'Abandoned Country' with neither resources nor human resources was not very good.
'The people are incompetent, ostentatious people, dislike their efforts' (Goncharov).
So fields and mountains remain rough.
They made their country even poorer.
'They lack the ability to reform themselves' (Isabella Bird) In the meantime, they are only proud, envy is the strongest in the world.
Korea is thinking of Japan as a lower rank in a self-serving manner, but when prompted to be independent by Japan, Korea cuddled with China and made the cause of the Sino-Japanese war.
When Japan defeated Qing and made Korea independent, it drew Russia in turn.
In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of the region.
So, Japan has fallen into battle with Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt writes to Alfred Mahan that he feels 'a serious threat' about Japan across the Pacific Ocean.
Seeing that Japan won a major victory over Russia in the Battle of the Japan Sea, he said he would lead a peace talk of Japan and Russia a week later.
He pressed the Portsmouth Treaty against Japan with no compensation from Russia or custody of the land, so that 'Japan in the threat' would not be stronger.
He also came up with the idea of 'pressing Korea against Japan' (C. Shaw, 'External pressure that destroyed Korea's independence').
Japan will be embarrassed and tired if it takes on a burdensome country.
A fact, too, went like that.
They continue to rub us the wrong way, not only to appreciate the modernization by Japan with 20% of the national budget, but also they are saying saying positively, '1,000 years grudge'.
Okinawa looks like Korea.
The former Ryukyu Dynasty was the same as North Korea, and issued a communist dictatorship, tormenting the people, and ravaging agricultural land.
The domain of Shimazu, which was unable to let pass unnoticed, intervened in Ryukyus and abolished misconduct. The people rejoiced.
After the Meiji Restoration, when Nabeshima duke was appointed as governor, Ryukyu King called Qing for relief because he would lose his position and directly filed a complaint with the United Kingdom.
He did the same thing 30 years ago, as did Joseon who sued the Hague World Peace Conference.

In the previous war, the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might.
Armacost added its importance to 'cobblestones'.
Japan defended hard.
The special attack was launched, and the battleship Yamato was also issued.
They complain that Japan's hard defenses and battles are 'sacrifice Okinawa for'.
Victim awareness is worse than Korea's 'seven robbery'.
Paul Wyatt Caraway, a third-generation Okinawa High Commissioner, supported finance by saying 'making Okinawa a Japan also envy high-income area,' and improved the medical environment.
However, only the relative and local bosses were selected by the bank.
They put all good medicines on the black market to the mainland of Japan
The good intentions of the United States produced only privilege and corruption.
It looks like Korea, who is incompetent, ostentatious and does not make efforts.
Nevertheless, shout out autonomy expansion in the mouth.
Caraway ran out and said, 'It is a myth, such as the autonomy of Okinawa.'
After being aware that being occupied with Okinawa, Japan was resurrected to open the Olympics.
The United States remembered Theodore Roosevelt when it saw the resurgence of 'Japan in threat'.
That's it.
We let a holy terror push on Japan.
Japan will be embarrassed, and will be as tired as it was when Korea was pressed.
Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.
(August 13, 20, 2015 issue)

In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of

2019年04月28日 18時58分10秒 | 日記

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder Patients, two papers that are themselves ... that it is no exaggeration to say that they are children of the Asahi Shimbun or the red flag, that Okinawa is ruled by two papers,
Not only will Japan be divided, it will also undermine Japan's security base and make Japan equally vulnerable.
Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.
Okinawa is ...
Being the most important point in defense and attack, both strategic for Japan and them,
Because of that, the United States military (GHQ) has put a base in Okinawa,
In order to reduce its burden, Japan continues to drop special subsidies out of 47 prefectures in Okinawa,
As a result lifeline, infrastructure is provisioned Okinawa ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is now Japan's No. 1 disaster resistant prefecture.
Without these, say 'Okinawa is pitiful ...' etc ...
Psuedo-moralism that agrees with Left-Wing fact ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a serious criminal act against Japan.
From the latest published book of Masayuki Takayama, who is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
As for Okinawa, it is no exaggeration to say that we can not speak anything unless we read this paper.
Why does Okinawa look like Korea?
The countries surrounding China, they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.
Xiongnu threatened Han and made a tribute to food, and also got Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauty girls.
Xianbei built the Tang Dynasty over the Central Plain.
The Tibetan Empire attacked and destroyed the Tang's metropolis, Chang'an.
Mongolia came to conquest, and after a while the Manchus also invaded and slaved the Chinese together.
According to the Chinese, Japan also took their territory and ruled more culturally.
That's because 75 percent of the words they use in their constitution are 'kanji' that Japan created.
Such 'Four Barbarians Eight Barbarians' have their own experience of ruling China, but the closest 'My only Korea could not rule the Central Plain. How a poor country?' Im Che lamented.
There is a reason.
As soon as Korea appeared in history, it continued to be ruled by Japan and China.
The average nation wars and gets slaves, but because the Korea hasn't ever won, it enslaves its own people.
As a result, a mysterious 'self-sufficient slave nation' was created in the world (Kō Bun'yū).
Slaves occupy 40 percent of the population.
The woman was in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name, and lived in a strange custom that exposing both breasts of her when she had a boy.
The reputation of the 'Abandoned Country' with neither resources nor human resources was not very good.
'The people are incompetent, ostentatious people, dislike their efforts' (Goncharov).
So fields and mountains remain rough.
They made their country even poorer.
'They lack the ability to reform themselves' (Isabella Bird) In the meantime, they are only proud, envy is the strongest in the world.
Korea is thinking of Japan as a lower rank in a self-serving manner, but when prompted to be independent by Japan, Korea cuddled with China and made the cause of the Sino-Japanese war.
When Japan defeated Qing and made Korea independent, it drew Russia in turn.
In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of the region.
So, Japan has fallen into battle with Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt writes to Alfred Mahan that he feels 'a serious threat' about Japan across the Pacific Ocean.
Seeing that Japan won a major victory over Russia in the Battle of the Japan Sea, he said he would lead a peace talk of Japan and Russia a week later.
He pressed the Portsmouth Treaty against Japan with no compensation from Russia or custody of the land, so that 'Japan in the threat' would not be stronger.
He also came up with the idea of 'pressing Korea against Japan' (C. Shaw, 'External pressure that destroyed Korea's independence').
Japan will be embarrassed and tired if it takes on a burdensome country.
A fact, too, went like that.
They continue to rub us the wrong way, not only to appreciate the modernization by Japan with 20% of the national budget, but also they are saying saying positively, '1,000 years grudge'.
Okinawa looks like Korea.
The former Ryukyu Dynasty was the same as North Korea, and issued a communist dictatorship, tormenting the people, and ravaging agricultural land.
The domain of Shimazu, which was unable to let pass unnoticed, intervened in Ryukyus and abolished misconduct. The people rejoiced.
After the Meiji Restoration, when Nabeshima duke was appointed as governor, Ryukyu King called Qing for relief because he would lose his position and directly filed a complaint with the United Kingdom.
He did the same thing 30 years ago, as did Joseon who sued the Hague World Peace Conference.

In the previous war, the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might.
Armacost added its importance to 'cobblestones'.
Japan defended hard.
The special attack was launched, and the battleship Yamato was also issued.
They complain that Japan's hard defenses and battles are 'sacrifice Okinawa for'.
Victim awareness is worse than Korea's 'seven robbery'.
Paul Wyatt Caraway, a third-generation Okinawa High Commissioner, supported finance by saying 'making Okinawa a Japan also envy high-income area,' and improved the medical environment.
However, only the relative and local bosses were selected by the bank.
They put all good medicines on the black market to the mainland of Japan
The good intentions of the United States produced only privilege and corruption.
It looks like Korea, who is incompetent, ostentatious and does not make efforts.
Nevertheless, shout out autonomy expansion in the mouth.
Caraway ran out and said, 'It is a myth, such as the autonomy of Okinawa.'
After being aware that being occupied with Okinawa, Japan was resurrected to open the Olympics.
The United States remembered Theodore Roosevelt when it saw the resurgence of 'Japan in threat'.
That's it.
We let a holy terror push on Japan.
Japan will be embarrassed, and will be as tired as it was when Korea was pressed.
Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.
(August 13, 20, 2015 issue)

in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name

2019年04月28日 18時57分36秒 | 日記

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder Patients, two papers that are themselves ... that it is no exaggeration to say that they are children of the Asahi Shimbun or the red flag, that Okinawa is ruled by two papers,
Not only will Japan be divided, it will also undermine Japan's security base and make Japan equally vulnerable.
Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.
Okinawa is ...
Being the most important point in defense and attack, both strategic for Japan and them,
Because of that, the United States military (GHQ) has put a base in Okinawa,
In order to reduce its burden, Japan continues to drop special subsidies out of 47 prefectures in Okinawa,
As a result lifeline, infrastructure is provisioned Okinawa ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is now Japan's No. 1 disaster resistant prefecture.
Without these, say 'Okinawa is pitiful ...' etc ...
Psuedo-moralism that agrees with Left-Wing fact ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a serious criminal act against Japan.
From the latest published book of Masayuki Takayama, who is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
As for Okinawa, it is no exaggeration to say that we can not speak anything unless we read this paper.
Why does Okinawa look like Korea?
The countries surrounding China, they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.
Xiongnu threatened Han and made a tribute to food, and also got Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauty girls.
Xianbei built the Tang Dynasty over the Central Plain.
The Tibetan Empire attacked and destroyed the Tang's metropolis, Chang'an.
Mongolia came to conquest, and after a while the Manchus also invaded and slaved the Chinese together.
According to the Chinese, Japan also took their territory and ruled more culturally.
That's because 75 percent of the words they use in their constitution are 'kanji' that Japan created.
Such 'Four Barbarians Eight Barbarians' have their own experience of ruling China, but the closest 'My only Korea could not rule the Central Plain. How a poor country?' Im Che lamented.
There is a reason.
As soon as Korea appeared in history, it continued to be ruled by Japan and China.
The average nation wars and gets slaves, but because the Korea hasn't ever won, it enslaves its own people.
As a result, a mysterious 'self-sufficient slave nation' was created in the world (Kō Bun'yū).
Slaves occupy 40 percent of the population.
The woman was in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name, and lived in a strange custom that exposing both breasts of her when she had a boy.
The reputation of the 'Abandoned Country' with neither resources nor human resources was not very good.
'The people are incompetent, ostentatious people, dislike their efforts' (Goncharov).
So fields and mountains remain rough.
They made their country even poorer.
'They lack the ability to reform themselves' (Isabella Bird) In the meantime, they are only proud, envy is the strongest in the world.
Korea is thinking of Japan as a lower rank in a self-serving manner, but when prompted to be independent by Japan, Korea cuddled with China and made the cause of the Sino-Japanese war.
When Japan defeated Qing and made Korea independent, it drew Russia in turn.
In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of the region.
So, Japan has fallen into battle with Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt writes to Alfred Mahan that he feels 'a serious threat' about Japan across the Pacific Ocean.
Seeing that Japan won a major victory over Russia in the Battle of the Japan Sea, he said he would lead a peace talk of Japan and Russia a week later.
He pressed the Portsmouth Treaty against Japan with no compensation from Russia or custody of the land, so that 'Japan in the threat' would not be stronger.
He also came up with the idea of 'pressing Korea against Japan' (C. Shaw, 'External pressure that destroyed Korea's independence').
Japan will be embarrassed and tired if it takes on a burdensome country.
A fact, too, went like that.
They continue to rub us the wrong way, not only to appreciate the modernization by Japan with 20% of the national budget, but also they are saying saying positively, '1,000 years grudge'.
Okinawa looks like Korea.
The former Ryukyu Dynasty was the same as North Korea, and issued a communist dictatorship, tormenting the people, and ravaging agricultural land.
The domain of Shimazu, which was unable to let pass unnoticed, intervened in Ryukyus and abolished misconduct. The people rejoiced.
After the Meiji Restoration, when Nabeshima duke was appointed as governor, Ryukyu King called Qing for relief because he would lose his position and directly filed a complaint with the United Kingdom.
He did the same thing 30 years ago, as did Joseon who sued the Hague World Peace Conference.

In the previous war, the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might.
Armacost added its importance to 'cobblestones'.
Japan defended hard.
The special attack was launched, and the battleship Yamato was also issued.
They complain that Japan's hard defenses and battles are 'sacrifice Okinawa for'.
Victim awareness is worse than Korea's 'seven robbery'.
Paul Wyatt Caraway, a third-generation Okinawa High Commissioner, supported finance by saying 'making Okinawa a Japan also envy high-income area,' and improved the medical environment.
However, only the relative and local bosses were selected by the bank.
They put all good medicines on the black market to the mainland of Japan
The good intentions of the United States produced only privilege and corruption.
It looks like Korea, who is incompetent, ostentatious and does not make efforts.
Nevertheless, shout out autonomy expansion in the mouth.
Caraway ran out and said, 'It is a myth, such as the autonomy of Okinawa.'
After being aware that being occupied with Okinawa, Japan was resurrected to open the Olympics.
The United States remembered Theodore Roosevelt when it saw the resurgence of 'Japan in threat'.
That's it.
We let a holy terror push on Japan.
Japan will be embarrassed, and will be as tired as it was when Korea was pressed.
Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.
(August 13, 20, 2015 issue)

they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.

2019年04月28日 18時57分16秒 | 日記

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder Patients, two papers that are themselves ... that it is no exaggeration to say that they are children of the Asahi Shimbun or the red flag, that Okinawa is ruled by two papers,
Not only will Japan be divided, it will also undermine Japan's security base and make Japan equally vulnerable.
Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.
Okinawa is ...
Being the most important point in defense and attack, both strategic for Japan and them,
Because of that, the United States military (GHQ) has put a base in Okinawa,
In order to reduce its burden, Japan continues to drop special subsidies out of 47 prefectures in Okinawa,
As a result lifeline, infrastructure is provisioned Okinawa ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is now Japan's No. 1 disaster resistant prefecture.
Without these, say 'Okinawa is pitiful ...' etc ...
Psuedo-moralism that agrees with Left-Wing fact ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a serious criminal act against Japan.
From the latest published book of Masayuki Takayama, who is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
As for Okinawa, it is no exaggeration to say that we can not speak anything unless we read this paper.
Why does Okinawa look like Korea?
The countries surrounding China, they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.
Xiongnu threatened Han and made a tribute to food, and also got Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauty girls.
Xianbei built the Tang Dynasty over the Central Plain.
The Tibetan Empire attacked and destroyed the Tang's metropolis, Chang'an.
Mongolia came to conquest, and after a while the Manchus also invaded and slaved the Chinese together.
According to the Chinese, Japan also took their territory and ruled more culturally.
That's because 75 percent of the words they use in their constitution are 'kanji' that Japan created.
Such 'Four Barbarians Eight Barbarians' have their own experience of ruling China, but the closest 'My only Korea could not rule the Central Plain. How a poor country?' Im Che lamented.
There is a reason.
As soon as Korea appeared in history, it continued to be ruled by Japan and China.
The average nation wars and gets slaves, but because the Korea hasn't ever won, it enslaves its own people.
As a result, a mysterious 'self-sufficient slave nation' was created in the world (Kō Bun'yū).
Slaves occupy 40 percent of the population.
The woman was in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name, and lived in a strange custom that exposing both breasts of her when she had a boy.
The reputation of the 'Abandoned Country' with neither resources nor human resources was not very good.
'The people are incompetent, ostentatious people, dislike their efforts' (Goncharov).
So fields and mountains remain rough.
They made their country even poorer.
'They lack the ability to reform themselves' (Isabella Bird) In the meantime, they are only proud, envy is the strongest in the world.
Korea is thinking of Japan as a lower rank in a self-serving manner, but when prompted to be independent by Japan, Korea cuddled with China and made the cause of the Sino-Japanese war.
When Japan defeated Qing and made Korea independent, it drew Russia in turn.
In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of the region.
So, Japan has fallen into battle with Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt writes to Alfred Mahan that he feels 'a serious threat' about Japan across the Pacific Ocean.
Seeing that Japan won a major victory over Russia in the Battle of the Japan Sea, he said he would lead a peace talk of Japan and Russia a week later.
He pressed the Portsmouth Treaty against Japan with no compensation from Russia or custody of the land, so that 'Japan in the threat' would not be stronger.
He also came up with the idea of 'pressing Korea against Japan' (C. Shaw, 'External pressure that destroyed Korea's independence').
Japan will be embarrassed and tired if it takes on a burdensome country.
A fact, too, went like that.
They continue to rub us the wrong way, not only to appreciate the modernization by Japan with 20% of the national budget, but also they are saying saying positively, '1,000 years grudge'.
Okinawa looks like Korea.
The former Ryukyu Dynasty was the same as North Korea, and issued a communist dictatorship, tormenting the people, and ravaging agricultural land.
The domain of Shimazu, which was unable to let pass unnoticed, intervened in Ryukyus and abolished misconduct. The people rejoiced.
After the Meiji Restoration, when Nabeshima duke was appointed as governor, Ryukyu King called Qing for relief because he would lose his position and directly filed a complaint with the United Kingdom.
He did the same thing 30 years ago, as did Joseon who sued the Hague World Peace Conference.

In the previous war, the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might.
Armacost added its importance to 'cobblestones'.
Japan defended hard.
The special attack was launched, and the battleship Yamato was also issued.
They complain that Japan's hard defenses and battles are 'sacrifice Okinawa for'.
Victim awareness is worse than Korea's 'seven robbery'.
Paul Wyatt Caraway, a third-generation Okinawa High Commissioner, supported finance by saying 'making Okinawa a Japan also envy high-income area,' and improved the medical environment.
However, only the relative and local bosses were selected by the bank.
They put all good medicines on the black market to the mainland of Japan
The good intentions of the United States produced only privilege and corruption.
It looks like Korea, who is incompetent, ostentatious and does not make efforts.
Nevertheless, shout out autonomy expansion in the mouth.
Caraway ran out and said, 'It is a myth, such as the autonomy of Okinawa.'
After being aware that being occupied with Okinawa, Japan was resurrected to open the Olympics.
The United States remembered Theodore Roosevelt when it saw the resurgence of 'Japan in threat'.
That's it.
We let a holy terror push on Japan.
Japan will be embarrassed, and will be as tired as it was when Korea was pressed.
Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.
(August 13, 20, 2015 issue)

Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.

2019年04月28日 18時55分54秒 | 日記

'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder Patients, two papers that are themselves ... that it is no exaggeration to say that they are children of the Asahi Shimbun or the red flag, that Okinawa is ruled by two papers,
Not only will Japan be divided, it will also undermine Japan's security base and make Japan equally vulnerable.
Okinawa is like a sitting duck for stratagem of China and the Korean peninsula.
Okinawa is ...
Being the most important point in defense and attack, both strategic for Japan and them,
Because of that, the United States military (GHQ) has put a base in Okinawa,
In order to reduce its burden, Japan continues to drop special subsidies out of 47 prefectures in Okinawa,
As a result lifeline, infrastructure is provisioned Okinawa ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is now Japan's No. 1 disaster resistant prefecture.
Without these, say 'Okinawa is pitiful ...' etc ...
Psuedo-moralism that agrees with Left-Wing fact ...
It is no exaggeration to say that it is no longer a serious criminal act against Japan.
From the latest published book of Masayuki Takayama, who is the one and only journalist in the post-war world.
As for Okinawa, it is no exaggeration to say that we can not speak anything unless we read this paper.
Why does Okinawa look like Korea?
The countries surrounding China, they were going to trample on China beyond the Great Wall if they felt inclined to do.
Xiongnu threatened Han and made a tribute to food, and also got Wang Zhaojun, one of the four great beauty girls.
Xianbei built the Tang Dynasty over the Central Plain.
The Tibetan Empire attacked and destroyed the Tang's metropolis, Chang'an.
Mongolia came to conquest, and after a while the Manchus also invaded and slaved the Chinese together.
According to the Chinese, Japan also took their territory and ruled more culturally.
That's because 75 percent of the words they use in their constitution are 'kanji' that Japan created.
Such 'Four Barbarians Eight Barbarians' have their own experience of ruling China, but the closest 'My only Korea could not rule the Central Plain. How a poor country?' Im Che lamented.
There is a reason.
As soon as Korea appeared in history, it continued to be ruled by Japan and China.
The average nation wars and gets slaves, but because the Korea hasn't ever won, it enslaves its own people.
As a result, a mysterious 'self-sufficient slave nation' was created in the world (Kō Bun'yū).
Slaves occupy 40 percent of the population.
The woman was in a situation similar to a slave, and until the Japanese annexation was not given a name, and lived in a strange custom that exposing both breasts of her when she had a boy.
The reputation of the 'Abandoned Country' with neither resources nor human resources was not very good.
'The people are incompetent, ostentatious people, dislike their efforts' (Goncharov).
So fields and mountains remain rough.
They made their country even poorer.
'They lack the ability to reform themselves' (Isabella Bird) In the meantime, they are only proud, envy is the strongest in the world.
Korea is thinking of Japan as a lower rank in a self-serving manner, but when prompted to be independent by Japan, Korea cuddled with China and made the cause of the Sino-Japanese war.
When Japan defeated Qing and made Korea independent, it drew Russia in turn.
In addition to envy, the country's native hanger-on nature has continued to drive destabilization of the region.
So, Japan has fallen into battle with Russia.
Theodore Roosevelt writes to Alfred Mahan that he feels 'a serious threat' about Japan across the Pacific Ocean.
Seeing that Japan won a major victory over Russia in the Battle of the Japan Sea, he said he would lead a peace talk of Japan and Russia a week later.
He pressed the Portsmouth Treaty against Japan with no compensation from Russia or custody of the land, so that 'Japan in the threat' would not be stronger.
He also came up with the idea of 'pressing Korea against Japan' (C. Shaw, 'External pressure that destroyed Korea's independence').
Japan will be embarrassed and tired if it takes on a burdensome country.
A fact, too, went like that.
They continue to rub us the wrong way, not only to appreciate the modernization by Japan with 20% of the national budget, but also they are saying saying positively, '1,000 years grudge'.
Okinawa looks like Korea.
The former Ryukyu Dynasty was the same as North Korea, and issued a communist dictatorship, tormenting the people, and ravaging agricultural land.
The domain of Shimazu, which was unable to let pass unnoticed, intervened in Ryukyus and abolished misconduct. The people rejoiced.
After the Meiji Restoration, when Nabeshima duke was appointed as governor, Ryukyu King called Qing for relief because he would lose his position and directly filed a complaint with the United Kingdom.
He did the same thing 30 years ago, as did Joseon who sued the Hague World Peace Conference.

In the previous war, the US military occupied Okinawa as a strategic base for the Pacific Ocean with all its might.
Armacost added its importance to 'cobblestones'.
Japan defended hard.
The special attack was launched, and the battleship Yamato was also issued.
They complain that Japan's hard defenses and battles are 'sacrifice Okinawa for'.
Victim awareness is worse than Korea's 'seven robbery'.
Paul Wyatt Caraway, a third-generation Okinawa High Commissioner, supported finance by saying 'making Okinawa a Japan also envy high-income area,' and improved the medical environment.
However, only the relative and local bosses were selected by the bank.
They put all good medicines on the black market to the mainland of Japan
The good intentions of the United States produced only privilege and corruption.
It looks like Korea, who is incompetent, ostentatious and does not make efforts.
Nevertheless, shout out autonomy expansion in the mouth.
Caraway ran out and said, 'It is a myth, such as the autonomy of Okinawa.'
After being aware that being occupied with Okinawa, Japan was resurrected to open the Olympics.
The United States remembered Theodore Roosevelt when it saw the resurgence of 'Japan in threat'.
That's it.
We let a holy terror push on Japan.
Japan will be embarrassed, and will be as tired as it was when Korea was pressed.
Onaga is similar to Park Geun-hye and responds well to US expectations.
(August 13, 20, 2015 issue)


2019年04月28日 15時36分19秒 | 日記

翁長は朴槿恵に似て、米国の期待によく応えている。       (2015年8月13日・20日号)


2019年04月28日 15時34分06秒 | 日記

翁長は朴槿恵に似て、米国の期待によく応えている。       (2015年8月13日・20日号)


2019年04月28日 12時49分46秒 | 日記


2019年04月28日 11時35分39秒 | 日記






私が行っている仕事そのものではないかと、今、思い、驚きもした。 私が時々言及するところの'物事には呼応という事がある'見本でもある。




As expected, they put away the original, getting scattered and losting.


At that time, Korea was an age of bartering, and did not know money or business.


it is a popular page yesterday.


辻元清美の両親の国籍は韓国なんでしょうか? 国籍が韓国である噂は多かったので、 帰化の噂の真相を調べてみますと、





Comme prévu, ils se sont dispersés et ont perdu l'original

2019年04月28日 11時27分39秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est extrait du dernier livre publié de M. Masayuki Takayama, le seul et unique journaliste au monde d'après-guerre.
Chaque année, les Coréens résidant au Japon qui ont leur tanière à NHK Osaka, qui rapportent que les missions de Joseon au Japon étaient le transport de la culture, ou les enfants atteints de maladie infantile de gauche à NHK Osaka doivent lire son livre avec un vif intérêt.
Ne dites pas qu'un voleur semble être génial.
Préambule omis
Chaque maison avait une poubelle devant la maison avant que le condominium puisse encore être fait.
Des ordures crues et des feuilles mortes ont été brûlées dans la cour de chaque maison.
Il y avait un autre magasin de chiffon pour le matériau métallique, donc je ne me souvenais pas du type de déchets que j'avais mis à la poubelle, mais c'était un chiffonnier qui prenait soin de la poubelle.
La dénomination consiste à ouvrir le couvercle supérieur et à le fermer.
On disait que ça venait du son.
Il aurait également dû y avoir un mendiant, mais je ne me souviens que du vétéran handicapé qui joue de l'accordéon.
Le mendiant est une mendicité religieuse dans son sens originel, ce qui signifie qu’il implore un aliment, mais les mendiants japonais gagnent de l’argent et les missions de Joseon au Japon, entrées dans l’ère Muromachi, ont enregistré avec surprise.
À cette époque, la Corée était une époque de troc et ne connaissait ni l'argent ni les affaires.
Ils ont posé des questions sur les techniques de métallisation et de fabrication du papier, en particulier sur la fabrication d'une roue à eau pour les rizières.
Ce sont les missions de Joseon au Japon qui ont permis d’acquérir ces connaissances.
Le Japon était heureux d’enseigner ses connaissances aux missions Joseon au Japon.
Par exemple, une roue hydraulique a été fabriquée même avec un modèle, mais cela ne leur a pas permis de savoir si c'était trop difficile ou non.
Les missions de Joseon au Japon sont revenues dans la période Edo après avoir été suspendues pendant un certain temps.
Kim in gyeom, arrivé à Osaka au 18ème siècle, a été surpris de constater que le Japon était un toit de tuiles, même si le toit de leur maison était un toit de chaume.
«Le paradis de la légende chinoise concernait Osaka. C'est 10 000 fois le merveilleux de Han Cheng (Séoul maintenant). De reproche.' Ensuite, il met et enregistre l'envie.
À peu près à la même époque, ils volèrent un à un le plateau laqué de la laque d’or livrée avec de la nourriture et des boissons et la poterie de l’alcôve à la literie.
Arai Hakuseki, qui ne l'a pas vu, a simplifié le traitement des missions Joseon au Japon et lui a interdit de mettre une belle coupe au festin.
Séoul, qui a tout volé, est sorti en disant: "S'il vous plaît, ramenez Uigwe que le Japon a emporté."
C'est un livre d'histoire de l'ère Joseon, mais le Japon, c'est son manuscrit.
La Corée a également oublié le hangul fabriqué par le même roi de Joseon, et le Japon l'a réimprimé.
'Uigwe' est le même.
Il a constitué un manuscrit différent de l'original et le Japon a compensé la partie manquante de l'original et l'a conservé.
Comme prévu, ils se sont dispersés et ont perdu l'original.
Le traité fondamental entre la Corée et le Japon a renoncé mutuellement au droit de revendication, y compris les biens culturels, mais il est sorti comme d'habitude ou selon la méthode Takeshima appelée à se battre et à se plaindre.
Même s’il en a pour le Japon, c’est la même chose, à vrai dire.
Les matériaux archéologiques de l’équipe expéditionnaire Otani Kozui restés à l’Université de Keijo, qui avaient été abandonnés en vertu du Traité fondamental Japon-Corée, et le document du clan Sō à Tsushima sont beaucoup plus importants, mais ils ne reviennent pas.
À propos, le corps d'Otani fouille également la momie de la particularité du musée de Séoul.
Pour la demande de retour de Corée, c’était une bonne occasion de récupérer non seulement les documents et les momies de la famille Tsushima, mais également le plateau laqué en laque d’or qu’ils ont volé au Japon pendant la période Edo.
Naoto Kan est apparu là-bas.
Puisque son ami est Masayoshi Son, la personne la plus digne de confiance du maître qui travaille durement est une formation de combat appelée citoyen naturalisé de la Corée, ils ont promis de restituer facilement les manuscrits «Uigwe».
Il n'y a pas de réclamation du Japon.
La Corée est optimiste parce que Sarkozy a accepté le retour des anciens documents volés par Chosun, sous condition de vente du TGV.
La France ne répond pas aux reliques du retour du parthénon de Grèce décidément.
Cependant, pour le coréen, il n'a montré aucune dévotion.
Ensuite, il est devenu évident que l’hôtel Okura a renvoyé une pagode en pierre qui se tient négligemment dans le jardin.
Okura a dit qu'il est bon d'être libre cela.
Nous étions inquiets avec les déchets qui ne sont pas jetés à tout le monde.
Peut-être avez-vous pensé que c'était une très bonne opportunité?
(Numéro du 16 juin 2011)

Como esperado, eles se espalharam e perderam o original

2019年04月28日 11時26分29秒 | 日記

O seguinte é do último livro publicado do Sr. Masayuki Takayama, o único jornalista no mundo do pós-guerra.
Todo ano, pessoas coreanas que moram no Japão e que têm seu covil na NHK Osaka, que relata que as missões de Joseon ao Japão eram o transporte de cultura, ou crianças com doença de infância na NHK Osaka devem ler seu livro com grande interesse.
Não diga que um ladrão parece ser ótimo.
Preâmbulo omitido
Cada casa tinha uma lata de lixo na frente da casa antes que o condomínio ainda pudesse ser feito.
Lixo cru e folhas caídas foram queimados no quintal de todas as casas.
Havia outra loja de pano para o material metálico, então eu não me lembrava do tipo de lixo que eu havia colocado, mas era ragman cuidar do lixo.
A base da nomenclatura é abrir a tampa superior e fechá-la.
Foi dito que era do som.
Deveria ter havido um mendigo também, mas lembro-me apenas do veterano deficiente que toca acordeão.
O mendigo é mendicância religiosa em seu significado original, o que significa que pede comida, mas mendigos japoneses ganham dinheiro e as missões de Joseon ao Japão, que vieram para a era Muromachi, gravaram com surpresa.
Naquela época, a Coreia era uma época de barganha e não sabia dinheiro ou negócios.
Eles perguntaram sobre técnicas de metalização e técnicas de fabricação de papel, em particular como fazer uma roda de água para os campos de arroz.
Foi a missão das missões Joseon no Japão que trouxe esse conhecimento.
O Japão ficou feliz em ensinar seu conhecimento para as missões Joseon no Japão.
Por exemplo, uma roda d'água foi feita mesmo com um modelo, mas não se espalhou para eles sobre se era ou não muito difícil.
As missões de Joseon ao Japão voltaram novamente no período Edo depois de terem sido suspensas por um tempo.
Kim em gyeom, que veio para Osaka no século 18, ficou surpreso ao descobrir que o Japão era um telhado de azulejos, apesar de o teto de sua casa ser um telhado de palha.
O paraíso da lenda chinesa era sobre Osaka. São 10.000 vezes a maravilha de Han cheng (Seul agora). Reprovador. Então, coloca e está gravando a inveja.
Por volta dessa época, eles roubaram um a um da bandeja lacada da laca de ouro, para entreter com comida e bebida e a cerâmica da alcova para a roupa de cama.
Arai Hakuseki, que não viu simplificado o tratamento das missões Joseon para o Japão e proibiu-o de colocar uma tigela bonita na festa.
Seul, que roubou tudo, saiu dizendo 'Por favor, devolva a Uigwe que o Japão levou embora'.
É um livro de história da era Joseon, mas o que o Japão tem é o seu manuscrito.
A Coréia também esqueceu o hangul feito pelo mesmo rei de Joseon, e o Japão o reimprimiu.
'Uigwe' é o mesmo.
Ele fez um manuscrito além do original, e o Japão compensou a parte da qual o original é insuficiente e o manteve.
Como esperado, eles se espalharam e perderam o original.
O Tratado Básico Japão-Coreia renunciou mutuamente ao direito de reivindicar propriedade cultural, mas saiu como sempre ou no método de Takeshima, chamado a escolher uma briga e reclamar.
Mesmo se for para o Japão, é o que aconteceu, para dizer a verdade.
Pelo contrário, os materiais arqueológicos da equipe expedicionária Otani Kozui remanescente na Universidade Keijo, que foram abandonados sob o Tratado Básico Japão-Coréia, e o clã Sō no documento de Tsushima são muito mais importantes, mas eles não retornam.
A propósito, a múmia da característica especial do Museu de Seul também é escavada pelo Corpo de Otani.
Para o pedido de retorno da Coréia, foi uma boa oportunidade para recuperar não apenas os documentos e múmias da família Tsushima, mas também a bandeja lacada de verniz de ouro que eles roubaram do Japão durante o período Edo.
Naoto Kan apareceu lá.
Como seu amigo é Masayoshi Son, a pessoa mais confiável do mestre que trabalha duro como mãos e pernas do mestre é uma formação de batalha chamada cidadão naturalizado da Coréia, eles prometeram devolver facilmente manuscritos 'Uigwe'.
Não há uma reclamação do Japão.
A Coréia é otimista porque Sarkozy aceitou o retorno dos antigos documentos Chosun que ele havia roubado, sob a condição de vendas do trem-bala francês TGV.
A França não está respondendo às relíquias do retorno do Parthenon da Grécia decididamente.
No entanto, para o coreano, não demonstrou devoção.
Em seguida, tornou-se uma história que o Hotel Okura retorna um pagode de pedra que fica descuidadamente no jardim.
Okura disse que é bom estar livre disso.
Nós estávamos preocupados com o lixo que não é jogado fora para todos.
Você pode ter pensado que foi a oportunidade muito boa?
(16 de junho, 2011 assunto)