文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost!There are no human rights, no democracy, no freedom.

2024年09月22日 12時47分57秒 | 全般
China is a wrong country in every way (laughs). 
There are no human rights, no democracy, no freedom.
October 31, 2017

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The falsification of history, such as the comfort women issue and the Nanking Massacre, is a typical example.
But now, with the emergence of ISIS, China is acting as one pleases, and even North Korea is threatening the world.
However, the EU needs to be stronger.
In that sense, there is no way to leave Japan alone, which has both national and intellectual power. 
I think the main theme of Trump and Abe's discussion was reconsidering the "containment of Japan."
Japan was indeed the one that opened a hole in the colonialism and imperialism of the white race.
That's right.
Perhaps sensing this, China has started to feed Europe, which is poor, instead of the US.
He wants to say that "a Sino-American two-country policy is fine," but Trump doesn't like that.
China and Germany are becoming very close.
That's because they're being fed.
There's also an "anti-American" connection between them.
Germany's hidden nationalism is also quite something, and they don't like America either (laughs).
I respect their consistency, but it's over once they align themselves with China.
Germany was just drawn in by China's economic power.
During the time of Prime Minister Cameron, Britain also leaned towards China.
He said, "We'll give you Tibet, too."
At the time, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, was a super-pro-China factionist who would sell anything for profit, but he eventually fell from grace.
Things have greatly improved since the new Prime Minister, Theresa May, came to power.
We must create a new alliance between Japan, Britain, and the US.
China is a wrong country, no matter how you look at it (laughs).
There are no human rights, no democracy, no freedom.
Economic development has reached its limit, and they can invade wherever they want.
The environmental problems in the country are really terrible.
The only way to control this country is for the decent countries to work together.
There is no point in sticking with a vulgar country like China.
This article continues.

2024/9/5 in Onomichi


