文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They may not even realize it, but they are the most sinful and guilty.

2023年02月09日 11時05分20秒 | 全般

The following is a rough draft.

In 1995, the Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing Women's Conference) of the United Nations, held in Beijing, adopted a Platform for Action with goals in 12 areas, including women's poverty and education, which strongly encouraged countries to promote women's policies.
Approximately 5,000 people from Japan participated in the conference.

*This also shows that, at this point, China's domination of the UN was already complete.
It is still an abomination that the UN held an international conference on human rights in Beijing at a time when Tibet, Mongolia, and the Uighur Uighurs are suffering indescribable human rights violations.

My sense of security that the Tohoku region is a stronghold of conservatism has been crumbling noisily in recent years.
In my home prefecture of Miyagi, the mayor of Sendai City is now a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party, and the member of the House of Councilors is Noriko Ishigaki, who is the ultimate in stupidity.

In Iwate Prefecture, Aya Furuhashi, who looks like a Korean agent, is now an associate professor of social education at Iwate University's Faculty of Education.

The Beijing conference was the catalyst for the Tohoku region's current state of affairs.
The approximately 5,000 women who attended the Beijing conference were the same kind of people who had participated in a meeting on the "Japanese military comfort women issue" in Beijing without question.

In other words, they were all subscribers to the Asahi Shimbun newspaper and had a masochistic view of history based on closely reading its editorials.
These women were responsible for the current problems with colabo, etc., and for the leftward tilt of the Japanese government and the shift to communism by Ms. Atsuko Muraki's WBPC.
Their actions led in a straight line to the assassination of Mr. Abe.

It all starts with one person.
The invisible invasion by China and the movement to turn local governments and governments to the left began with the women who participated in this Beijing conference.
They may not even realize it, but they are the most sinful and guilty.
This article continues.



