文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

which is arguably the ugliest organization in the history of humankind. 

2024年08月16日 13時06分06秒 | 全般

"She is the Yumi Matsutoya of today. She should be called the top runner of the second generation who put the Japanese language to music."
Until recently, I had no idea that such an excellent (and unique) singer had been born.
A quick search revealed that she was ranked No. 1 worldwide by Apple Music.
So we were the only two residents of Shimizu Village who didn't know about it.

*My best friend and I call ourselves the Shimizu Gumi.
Of course, my best friend is the boss, and I am its henchman, Ishimatsu.
However, if we were to become Shimizu Village, I would be the village chief.

Gianfranco Ferrè, one of Italy's leading fashion designers, was asked why Italian fashion is leading the world, to which he replied, "Color runs in the blood of Italians."

Today, Yamato Nadeshiko is taking the world by storm in all walks of life.
In this paper, I affirm and let the world know why.
The world is still ignorant, and the representative of this ignorant world is the United Nations, which is arguably the ugliest organization in the history of humankind. 
The recommendations and announcements that the UN issues at every opportunity, such as "Japan is a country where women are discriminated against, and women cannot play an active role in Japan."
The Japanese mass media, a member of the most foolish organization in the history of humankind, happily reports this.
They should all be ashamed to listen to my 150% specific affirmation.

Japanese women from all walks of life are genuinely excellent because their blood runs through their veins as descendants of Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon.
As already noted, this is evident in the supernumerary geniuses such as Natsuho Murata and Himari.
I have notified the ignorant world and the UN, which is controlled by the most foolish forces in human history, several times in this column.
In a world where even in the developed Western world...about 50% of adult women have been raped, Japanese women are the only ones who have been cherished since ancient times,
Japanese women are the happiest, kindest, and most beautiful people in the world.

【Ado】新時代 (ウタ from ONE PIECE FILM RED)

2024/8/8 in Fukuyama


