文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In the dual nationality issue, it was clear that other DP executives also did not value "country"

2017年10月17日 21時49分40秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

It is still doubtful whether Ms. Renho has strong sense of belonging in Japan and whether it is exclusively working for Japan's national interest.

Ms. Renho, after obtaining nationality and becoming a Japanese legally, "Nationality is Japanese, but I am naturalized, but the identity is" Taiwanese "" (Weekly Post 2000 October 27th issue of the year) and others.

As a politician, Ms. Renho should explain to the public what kind of change the national identity has undertaken in herself, and now it is clearly explained to the public what is in the state, but in the end it was not explained.

In the dual nationality issue, it was clear that other DP executives also did not value "country".

Ms. Renho was eventually elected as a representative, despite the fact that this issue began to make noise in the midst of last year’s national election.

Mr. Katsuya Okada of the former and the party representatives defended Ms. Renho while speaking outrageously saying that "Dad is from Taiwan, that being a woman is a symbol of diversity and it is a representative of DP" it was.

The distrust of Democratic Party was clearly evident in the Net.

This draft continues.
