文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Japan is the only country in the world that does not have a "Spy Prevention Law"

2024年05月27日 10時37分41秒 | 全般

The following are notes as of 27/5/2024
*The draft law on the prevention of espionage relating to state secrets was submitted to the House of Representatives in June 1985 by a member of the Liberal Democratic Party as a member's bill to punish acts of espionage.
The bill was abandoned after deliberations failed at the 103rd Extraordinary Diet session of the same year.
It is abbreviated as the Spy Prevention Bill or the State Secrets Bill.
The bill consists of 14 articles and supplementary provisions. It stipulates the duty of public officials to maintain the confidentiality of state secrets in diplomacy and defense and aims to prevent the leakage of such secrets to third parties. Prohibited or penalized acts include not only attempted acts but also preliminary acts such as attempted acts, detection or collection of classified information, and leaks due to negligence (e.g., loss of documents relating to classified information). The maximum penalty is death or life imprisonment (Article 4).
Meetings with the US and consideration of legislation
In 1957, Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi met with US President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles, who demanded that Japan enact the Secret Protection Law.
In response, Prime Minister Kishi said: 'Scientific research must be done by all means, and we would like to obtain assistance from the US. We want to take legislative measures for the Secret Protection Law sooner or later" and "We would like to make sure that it is not leaked that the subject was raised (at the meeting), as it is something that should be done voluntarily by the Japanese side".
During his tenure as Prime Minister, Kishi considered the legislation but still needed to submit the relevant bill.
Afterword omitted. The above is from Wikipedia.

The following is a rough draft.
Japan is the only country in the world that does not have a "Spy Prevention Law"
| Website to promote the enactment of a "Spy Prevention Law" (spyboshi.jp)

The other day, I saw a program list on WOWOW that convinced me this was a good film.
Naturally, I recorded it.
It was only recently.
I was going to watch it on the same day because it started at around 9 p.m., I think, but I felt it was going to eat into my sleeping time, and I couldn't stop working on sending out this column, so I decided to watch it on the recording.

Roman Polanski directed The Ghost Writer, which starred Ian McGregor and Pierce Brosnan as former Prime Ministers.
How could it be a bad film?
It was a film of heaven and earth compared to the crap Hollywood has been making since it started flirting with China, which doesn't even deserve to be called a film.

Now, my friends, especially those who have been with me since I became a businessman, will remember that I have said things occasionally.
'Genius knows genius' and 'the best know the best.'
Within that category are the words of Professor Hiroshi Furuta's Intuition and Transcendence.
This film by Roman Polanski brought me a transcendence.
So, before writing this chapter, I first searched to verify the facts about the film's beginning.
I was astonished to find that I was right.

The film is a brilliant suspense thriller whose main theme is "the reason why (the occasion, the motive) I became a politician."

The totalitarian states of the Korean Peninsula, China, and Russia, where propaganda = political maneuvering is everything, both domestically and internationally, surround Japan, the only country in the world without an anti-spying law.
When Russia was the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union was the head of the Comintern, the spying that the Soviet Union was doing in Japan was exposed in the light of day.
These two incidents, discussed in this column several times, are obvious facts.

Roman Polanski has transcended me.

The espionage activities carried out by the DPRK and China against Japan have never been exposed in the light of day until now.
Once, when Mr. Abe was Prime Minister, I think, there was a move to enact a spy bill, the spies who were embedded in and inhabiting various sectors of the world, exploiting the weakness of the only country in the world without a spy law, raised their voices in unison against it, and it was crushed.
It is an embarrassing and shameful story that would not be possible in a G7 country.

For example, a mere female student at Waseda University was engaged in activities that would be unthinkable for a mere ordinary person.
After graduation, she joined an opposition party headed by a zainichi Korean woman who became a politician.
It is even though there are articles on the internet that state that the public security authorities have determined that she is a North Korean spy.
This woman continues to put on a big face and undermine Japan at every turn.
The Asahi Shimbun was, until recently, strangely supportive of this woman.
NHK also frequently showed images of her in its news programs.

The emergence of a man named Himasoraakane has exposed the red network, which had begun to erode the government, to the light of day.
In the best sense of the word, he is practicing what I was the first in the world to define as 'it all starts with one person.'
A Japan without an anti-spy law is a Japan without spies.
Post-war Japan was created by the Asahi Shimbun, which is not at all an exaggeration to say that it is a fabricated newspaper written to undermine Japan.
The term "tax choo-choo," which symbolizes the workings of Himasoraakane, will continue to shine brilliantly as a symbol that has exposed the negative aspects of the situation.

The Korean Peninsula and Chinese networks that have been spreading in various fields, in other words, their agents (spies) who have been penetrating various fields, finally assassinated Mr Abe.
The bizarre response of the mass media since the assassination proves my transcendence.
The people known as "Miyaneya" were, for them, the auspicious armies.

The bizarre opposition to Mr Abe before his death also proves that my transcendence has hit the nail on the head.
Their campaign was misguided and unbelievable in terms of Mr Abe's achievements.
Only China and the Korean Peninsula were saying similar things to them and inciting their people to do the same.

Japan is the only country in the G7 and one of the few countries in the world with an unbelievable number of Korean and Chinese spies living in various sectors.

There is no question that they are all honey-trapped and money-trapped.
In China, the honey trap is even described as the cheapest atomic bomb.
That would be true.
As soon as it is exposed, politicians, media people, and academics instantly lose their positions, and businessmen and women see their families destroyed.
This article continues.

2024/5/25 in kyoto


