文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Moreover, she is in close contact with the Korean public and private.

2019年06月16日 13時33分09秒 | 全般

It is a chapter that sent to 2016-06-29, titled that Alexis Dudden is a person with great anti-Japanese thought beyond the level that I have continued to criticize several times.
In this chapter, we inform the world that Alexis Dudden is a person with great anti-Japanese thought beyond the level that I have been criticizing several times.
As a result of my work, which is continuing this work for free, four magazines such as monthly magazine Voice, etc. have been gaining popularity in Japan day by day.
For the world, although based on my unskillful translation, it is revealed to people all over the world.
Involvement of American scholars who denounce comfort women issue
What is even more strange is that Alexis Dudden, a long-time activist who has been accusing Japan of comfort women on the American side, is responsible for the call for solidarity to Korea and China.
Alexis Dudden, a professor at the University of Connecticut who specializes in the history of Japan and the Korean Peninsula, plays a role as a self-proclaimed American representative in the Constitution Article 9 campaign.
It can say that this person's engaging in secret maneuvers symbolizes the movement in Japan regarding the Constitution and the feature of the international spread of the campaign.

Furthermore, the involvement of Alexis Dudden is another big dark spot of the Constitution Article 9 Nobel Prize Movement.
Alexis Dudden's anti-Japan history is weird.
Moreover, she is in close contact with the Korean public and private.
For over 20 years, she has accused the Japanese side of the issue of comfort women, based on the fiction of 'sexually enslaved 200,000 women by forced Japanese troops'.
Alexis Dudden also played a central role in the pursuit of comfort women's problems in The Women's International War Crimes on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery, which held in Tokyo in 2000, and elicited a mock judgment of the Showa Emperor guilty.
Japanese denunciation resolution in the comfort women issue
Addressed to the Abe government
She was also a consistently behind-the-scenes promoter for the 2007 US House of Representatives in the Japanese Denunciation resolution in the comfort women issue voting.
Last year, Alexis Dudden was the leading figure who also drafted and circulated protest letters on historical recognition from many Western scholars addressed to the Abe government.
Alexis Dudden has also advised South Korean government officials on their policies to the United States and Japan.
take off her hat to Dudden
President Park Geun-hye has also taken off her hat to Dudden, citing the words of Alexis Dudden's Japanese accumulations in her main speech.
Alexis Dudden won the 'Wanhai Awards' Peace Grand Prix in 2015 to commemorate Korean independent activist Han Yong-un.
The reason is that he protested against the historical distortion of Prime Minister Abe.
At the award, Alexis Dudden stated that 'Japanese reflection on diabolical human rights crimes is the first step in improving Korea-Japan relations.'
That Alexis Dudden has frequently called out the Nobel Peace Prize nominations of Article 9 of the Constitution to China and South Korea in various media on the US side.
It is a lawsuit to sign 'to advance the war with China by the revision of the constitution of the Japanese government' and 'the militarization of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.'
However, Alexis Dudden has called on the Korean and Korean sides to recommend Japan's 'nine articles of association' and 'Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations' as award candidates.
It will calculate that it will proceed more smoothly than making the whole 'Japanese people' a candidate.


