文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It was the terrorists who did a dropout at most.

2018年09月22日 22時42分54秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Korea still has no national legitimacy

Korea is not the country that won independence in the unaided by Japan.

The US military came and got independent in 'windfall.'

In that respect, North Korea has a one-tenth advantage. 

Kim Il-sung, who became the first president, fought the independence war once as commander of Chinese troops in Manchuria.

Finally, Kim Il-sung was chased by the Japanese soldiers and escaped to the Soviet territory, where he was selected by the Far East Soviet army as the leader of the next generation.

It seems that it was a pleasure for him to be a handsome man and that he was good at language study.

On the other hand, in the south, there were no people who fought against Japan.

It was the terrorists who did a dropout at most.

Do you know a person named Shigemitsu Mamoru?

At the time of Japan's defeat, he has signed a surrender document as a full authority on the deck of the US warship Missouri.

Mr. Shigemitsu was sticking at that time.

Because there was no right leg.

A bomb was thrown by a Korean terrorist, Yun Bong-Gil, and his right leg was blown away.

Korea is not Japan's battlefield nor victory country, so no one has a hero.

So, after the war, Korea has made such a mean terrorist a hero.

It is shameful internationally, but they cannot understand this ‘shame.’

Korea has naturally become independent because of Japan's defeat, so there is no national legitimacy.

After that, if independence became a respectable democratic country, it may have possessed legitimacy of the state still, but how about watching Korea now?

Both legalism and democracy are in danger.

In other words, Korea still has no national orthodoxy.

Therefore, shortly after independence continued to devise various falsehoods to forge the legitimacy of the state.

Before the war, he called himself the temporary government of the Republic of Korea, and there was a fellow group who was supposed to be a Chinese KMT guest on the Chinese continent.

The first president is Syngman Rhee, who later became the first Korean president.

The Vice President was the communist Yi Dong-hwi.

This group was a scramble between nationalists and communists, so it was only fighting for factions.

Syngman Rhee was banished in just two years and will be to the United States.

Even if it gets secret money from USSR, all Yi Dong-hwi are doing the terrible to have used up.

It had an army called the Korean Liberation Army, but it was like a private army of a person named Kim Koo, a terrorist.

Speaking of the Korean Liberation Army's job, it dispatched nine soldiers in the commission of the British army of Myanmar.

All these were hired as making Japanese promotional handbills to surrender Japanese soldiers.

The employment expense received from an Englishman was wholly eaten by Kim Koo, who was holding a personal affair.

It is a really awesome group.

This draft continues.

