文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Because if they go ahead with this, it will give China a huge advantage.

2021年11月09日 10時05分33秒 | 全般

The chapter that I published on November 3rd, entitled "In addition to cotton, there is also the problem of solar panels in Uyghur.", was involved in a criminal act of obstructing a search, so that I will republish.
The following is an excerpt from Chapter 4 of a book published a few days ago in a dialogue between Mr. Seki Hei and Mr. Hideki Kakeya, entitled The Origin of the New Corona and the 101st Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people around the world.
Japanese citizens who can read must head to the nearest bookstore to subscribe.
I will do my best to inform the people of the world.
Chapter 4: How Japan should confront China, both nationally and privately 
China-dependent economic activities and "decarbonization" should be reviewed.
Preamble omitted.
In addition to cotton, there is also the problem of solar panels in Uyghur.
They are also produced in Uyghur.
In June 2021, Mr. Taishi Sugiyama published a book titled "Decarbonization" is full of lies" (Sankei Shimbun Publication).
The book says that the only country that will benefit from decarbonization is China.
In short, China does not have to do anything about decarbonization until 2030. 
It can emit as much CO2 as it wants and use cheap electricity while other countries face high costs to produce electricity.
If only China is exempted from decarbonization, it will be very advantageous for China to maintain its position as the so-called world's factory.
Japan is forced to buy solar panels from China, and the cost of electricity is very high.
Recently, the destruction of Nature, such as landslides caused by solar panels, has become very serious.
It is an outright lie that solar energy is natural and nature-friendly.
The natural energy produced by solar panels has a "low energy density" in our terminology. 
Since the amount of electricity and energy obtained per unit area or unit volume is extremely small, the amount of electricity that can replace with thermal power or nuclear power cannot be accepted without a large amount of destruction of Nature.
In the past, the Democratic Party of Japan was against dams, calling them "de-dams." 
However, the energy density of solar and wind power is about one-fourth or one-fifth that of hydroelectric power generation by dams, so it cannot obtain the same amount of electricity as hydropower unless it is four- times or five- times the natural destruction of hydropower. 
It can do this kind of energy density calculation entirely with high school science knowledge. 
But because former Prime Minister Naoto Kan and the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) promoted the use of renewable energy to benefit China, the cost of electricity in Japan has become very high.
In the attempt to bring production bases back to Japan, as I mentioned earlier, it is now challenging to get back industries that consume a lot of electricity to Japan.
In the end, this kind of policy is ruining the Japanese economy and helping China.
So, if oil and coal are no longer available, we have no choice but to run nuclear power plants.
China was very much opposed to the discharge of tritiated water from Fukushima the other day.
If Japan runs nuclear power plants and the cost of electricity becomes cheaper, factories may move back to Japan.
That would be unacceptable to China. 
Therefore, Japan's energy policy naturally tells a story that is convenient for China.
Saying, "Let's put in a lot of renewable energy, do not use nuclear power or thermal power, do not make Japan a production base anyway, do not strengthen secondary industries." They are wrapping it in such an oblate that it's kind to Nature.
That is why we need to look at it properly.
It is the essence of the problem.
Biden is talking about "decarbonization" as a measure to combat global warming.
Former Prime Minister Suga said, "I will follow Mr. Biden on decarbonization," but I think this is the biggest bottleneck in the Biden administration.
Because if they go ahead with this, it will give China a huge advantage.
But if they don't do nuclear power plants and produce carbon dioxide, then there is no doubt that China will be the sole winner.
Therefore, we have to think about using nuclear power instead of carbon energy in cooperation with the United States.
I agree with you very much. I think the same way.
Now that I think about it, I remember that words like "green revolution" and "clean energy" were thrown around a lot during the Obama administration, and Obama himself promoted policies in that direction.
Is this a kind of preference of the Democratic Party?
Communist forces change their form in many ways.
In short, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the Frankfurt School decided what they would do to make a living, they chose to use greenery and nature conservation as a source of income.
So, the conservationists are like communists at heart, and renewable energy will inevitably damage the economies of so-called capitalist and liberal countries to the benefit of China. 
The idea is that not all countries in the world should decarbonize. Still, China should be exempted based on the desire to weaken liberal and capitalist governments and fatten up dictatorships like China.
People with such a communist way of thinking hide their true Nature with the so-called nature maintenance sign.
I thought that Obama was quite sympathetic to such people.
It's communism hidden under the veil of nature maintenance. 
As for the Biden administration, Kerry and others seem to be in danger. Many people in the Democratic Party look dangerous, including Al Gore and Kerry.
But even within the Democratic Party, some people are leftists and people who are establishment types.
However, I think there is a possibility that the establishment will go for nuclear power plants because they know that clean energy is not a viable option in reality.
This article continues.


