文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It's the politicians and media people of the developed world. You're the idiots.

2020年10月09日 17時17分37秒 | 全般
Gut feeling defined by the polymath Hiroshi Furuta has found out the opposition to nuclear power that is being confounded by the media in the developed world. 
Last night's WBS commentator, Yamakawa, of all people, made an idiotic comment at the end of the program that cost me an hour of sleep.
I was furious at their sheer stupidity.
I couldn't forgive them.
That anger led me to the 'gut feeling' of Nobunaga living in the present.
Here is an excerpt from the Sankei extract of 9/30 that I sent out this morning
In his recent speech at the United Nations, Xi Jinping made a big pitch for achieving zero emissions by 2060.
How will the world's No. 1 CO2 emitter get to zero? The Chinese government has not given a specific path forward, but those interested in energy will be impressed by nuclear power, which does not emit CO2.
China's nuclear power generation capacity will overtake that of the United States in 10 years.
That is to say, it will become the world's most massive nuclear power.
It has already caught up with the most advanced technology in the world.
However, in the long article in the Asahi Shimbun, which spans two pages, the word 'nuclear' is nowhere to be found.
Perhaps this is because it is an inconvenient fact for the company's zero-nuclear theory.
In his article "Emissions Trading is an International Scam Concocted by Canadian Scammer Maurice Strong, China, and Al Gore," Masayuki Takayama clarifies that CO₂ emissions trading is an international scam. He tells us of the theory of Watanabe Soki, who explained that the CO₂ emissions trading is a global scam created by Canadian fraudster Maurice Strong, China, and Al Gore.
Japan is being forced to buy trillions of yen in CO₂ emission rights from China's backward nation.
China continues to pollute the air to a level that is no longer human habitable. No one in the international community, including the UN, has criticized China. Except for Trump.
China has used the pseudo-moralism prevalent in the developed world to deceive and entice everyone and everything but China.
Nuclear power is the best technology ever invented by man.
It is the cheapest power.
That's the favorite refrain of the pseudo-moralists in the developed world, led by Al Gore and the rest of the US Democratic Party politicians.
It is the Green revolution etc.
All the renewables they recommend are unstable and only result in more expensive power.
With its sights set on global domination, China is on the verge of becoming the world's leading producer of the most stable, highest quality, and cheapest electricity, the nation's most important energy source.
In the "Otoko wa Tsurai yo" series, there is a scene in which Hidari Bokuzen, the innkeeper, tells Tora-san, who is in love with the landlady, "You're a fool, my dear.
It's the politicians and media people of the developed world.
You're the idiots.


