文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

also proved that the representative newspaper in Japan is the Sankei Shimbun.

2019年03月30日 09時58分51秒 | 日記

This morning's Sankei Shimbun also proved that the representative newspaper in Japan is the Sankei Shimbun.
The following is from the Sankei extract listed on the front page.
If this is a comic dialogue "Give me a break", it will be a scene to stop the companion at the end.
South Korea's President Moon Jae-in invited Japanese business officials to the Cheong Wa Dae on the 28th and told the Japanese side that it fears the deterioration of Japan-Korea relations.
"Economic exchange should be viewed separately from politics. We hope that economic exchange between companies becomes more active."
▼ Which mouth do you say that? In his so-called drafting worker lawsuit, it is his remark while the plaintiffs seized the assets of a Japanese company and attempted to damage the company by selling the asset.
And even though the Japanese government is calling for talks to solve the problem, the Moon administration is not trying to move anything
▼ The lack of policy of Korean politics, or the neglect of deliberate anti-Japanese acts by politics, may have caused today's situation.
Anyway, Korea seems to have totally forgotten using the Korea Supreme Court as a shield, which Japan-Republic of Korea Basic Relations Treaty is a dual rule that is.
▼ Under the agreement, Japan has been abandoned all huge assets that it has put in Korea, and relinquish all right to claim over Japanese fishermen who were captured and divided, which by the Koreans set separately a border on the high seas.
I want you to bring up them again
Don't you want us to bring up them again?
▼ South Korea captured equal to or more than 300 Japanese fishing boat and interned the fisherman who exceeds 3,000 persons during a long time.
Some fishermen died as a result of being shot at captives.
Compensation for fishermen was paid by the Japanese government according to the purpose of the agreement, but may be billed to Korea
▼ After the war, seek compensation for the assaults and plunders the Japanese received on the Korean peninsula, and other illegal activities, as well as the official apology of the Korean government and the punishment of officials.
The $ 500 million economic aid will be converted back to the current currency value.
They don't seem to understand our not saying it.


