文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I can't help but be dismayed that such a woman is working in the dark to undermine Japan

2022年01月18日 11時06分03秒 | 全般

The Asahi Shimbun or any other newspaper have never reported the following facts.
Anyone who subscribes to the Asahi Shimbun and watches the news programs of its subsidiary T.V. stations, or NHK, which is not much different from the Asahi Shimbun, will agree with me.
It also proves (with horror this time) the correctness of my point that the Internet is the most crucial library in human history.
It occurred to me to search to see if any female lawyers were accompanying Onaga on his visit to the U.S.
I found out that not only Onaga, but another rare apostate, Nago Mayor Susumu Inamine, who appears on T.V. with Onaga, planned and accompanied him to the U.S., and that the opening of the Washington office of Okinawa Prefecture, which was criticized by some media last year, was also done by this woman lawyer. 
I also learned that the lawyer's name was Saruta Sayo for the first time.
I was surprised when I searched further to confirm that the woman in the video was her.
I thought she was a young lawyer, but she was 37 years old.
It named one of the organizations she founded after Shuntaro Torigoe.
In other words, TBS and others were sympathizers.
Furthermore, a photo of her in conversation with Martin Fackler, a man with a genuinely vile anti-Japanese ideology, has also surfaced.
 Finally, I am horrified.
As you know, I am the first person to write that everything starts with one person (or that everything starts only with one person).
But I can't help but be dismayed that such a woman is working in the dark to undermine Japan's policies, especially its national defense policy, which is arguably the most important.
But the fact that the Asahi Shimbun has been openly and covertly encouraging her existence comes out at every turn.  
It is also a genuinely horrifying reality.
The first time I saw her was at a press conference held by the vice governor of Okinawa the other day, where she was wearing a mini-skirt that was out of place for such a press conference (although she must be confident of her leg beauty) and throwing out her beautiful legs.
When I saw this video, I finally understood the answer to Onaga's abnormal behavior.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is in a psychological honey trap.
When I met with a friend in Kyoto who had read my article, he seemed to have the same inspiration and said that he had come to a consensus about the strange stylishness he had felt from watching Onaga on T.V.

I was reading a column by Professor Hiroshi Furuta of Tsukuba University in the just-released monthly magazine "Sound Argument," and he said that the woman who was murdered by a Chilean man while studying in France was his student.
I am sure that everyone who saw her image on T.V. must have groaned.
The professor described the situation that made the men of the world groan as "indexicality." Still, he wanted to say, "You should be careful with men because you have indexicality," but that would be sexual harassment, so he used a completely different word to encourage her before she left to study abroad.
When I read this article, I immediately thought that this is another example of the evils of political correctness.
I am sure that all the men who watched the video thought that the female lawyer present at the press conference in response to the vice governor of Okinawa also had an indexical attitude.
The truth is that there are only men and women in this world, and God made it so that men are always attracted to women. 
That's all there is to it.
This article continues.


