文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I would say this is the return of geniuses like Heifetz and Paganini ... David Geringas

2024年08月19日 14時43分33秒 | 全般
The following is from aokiuva, a BBC Music Magazine article on the 10 best violinists of all time, which I just discovered.
史上最高のヴァイオリニストベスト10 20 by 英BBCミュージックマガジン aokiuva
The event of Paganini has divided everything into 'before Paganini' and 'after Paganini,' and the same thing happened with Heifetz.
The same thing happened with Heifetz: the lines were drawn between "before Heifetz" and "after Heifetz.
On October 27, 1917, a young violinist from Russia gave his first recital at Carnegie Hall, setting the standard for what a modern violin should be.
David Oistrakh, Leonid Kogan, Isaac Stern, Henrik Schelling, Itzhak Perlman, and many other violinists have occasionally spoken out.
Yascha Heifetz is, without a doubt, the most outstanding violinist of the 20th century.
Heifetz revolutionized violin playing and defined perfection for himself.
Heifetz revolutionized violin playing and defined perfection. 
Because of his overwhelmingly high level, he became the absolute precedent that no violinist could avoid and to which all players were first compared.
So outstanding was his skill that three-quarters of a century later, the situation is still the same.
In that sense, Heifetz was a timeless prophet."
I have already mentioned that on New Year's Eve 2020, I learned that a supernumerary violin prodigy named Natsuho Murata had emerged in Japan.
The other day, I found a video on YouTube that proves that I hit the nail on the head 100%.
I had been trying to find the right moment to introduce this video in this column, and today was the day I discovered the above article.

村田夏帆11歳「2018年くるみ割り人形国際コンクール」第2次審査 (youtube.com)

2024/8/18 in Mihara, Hiroshima


