
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!


2011-04-10 09:36:09 | Topics

Until a few weeks ago, we could buy any what we wanted. I thought it was no surprise, because the world developed for convinience. But this big earthquake made us "backdown", so, I woke up from one's ego. Oh, yes, It was like, we thought we could keep seeing Henin's tennis but she quit suddenly?(^^;)...

It might be about time to change to a different way from convinience. But if you try energy saving, you would think it's very hard... And you just realize the preciousness of normal world. We realize the preciousness when we lose it... Hmm., Henin was a big presence for me...
便利な発展も必要だけど、これからは、安全でクリーンな発展がいいなぁ(^^;)。余震も放射能も怖いし、エナンもいないけど、、今が頑張る時なのは、確かなようです。Just Go Forward!

We need the development, but from now, we want the safe and clean development(^^;). Many afterquake and radiation happen, and Henin is not there.., it's the time to do our best for the reconstruction. Just Go Forward!



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