
-The Road to improve English-
I write something in English!

798.Life is...

2009-11-19 12:30:51 | Topics

Oh, it's the straight road to drive easily, right?. This is the photo I took in my trip to Hokkaido in September. I hope that, the road of my life I should go through would be straight to go easily(laugh). Now, in Hokkaido, winter is coming already.

This "arrow" is the sign to indicate a road width. When winter comes and the snow accumulates, you can't see the line, so the signs are there. Yes, even if the road is straight, if you don't find the road, you can't drive easily. I hope that, the road of my life I should go through would have the sign(laugh).

Oh, I'm digging. This photo is "hot spring in sand". The sign is written "If you'll dig the sand in shore, you'll see the hot spring in sand." Hmm., if you know something gushing out there from the beginning., you'll dig there.., so I think that the first person who found the hot spring was great. The life is challenge. If you don't challenge something, you can't know what you can do, right?(laugh). There were some "footbaths in sand".

Hmm, when you realized, your owner was Henin., Wow., I envy Deuce(laugh). I envy Deuce's dog life. OK, I'll vie with her. Yes, I would win, I think☆(laugh). Ahaha.., What a pitiable "human" I am.., If I'm human, deal with something by myself...