中東-アラブ世界の読み方 Views On The Arab World


7月24日(木)のつぶやき その3

2014-07-25 03:00:07 | Daily Tweets

Palestinian family finds missing son 'by chance' ? in YouTube video of his death bit.ly/1mFyW0M #Gaza pic.twitter.com/CkEEeLre8o

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Clashes in #Housan town near #Bethlehem now following the murder of a #Palestinian by the #Israeli occupation army. pic.twitter.com/rw7AY5OkbT

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Israel: Palestinians Given Ample Time To Evacuate To Nearby Bombing Sites onion.com/1kVsgMv pic.twitter.com/dH8cl5xRpa

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Saudi shares rose by almost 3% on news market is to open to foreigners: ara.tv/ge289

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Israel has discovered its no longer so easy to get away with murder in the age of social media buff.ly/1x2Hl4c pic.twitter.com/ivUA2tbHdu

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福島大学の構内では、「反原発」などの主張を掲げると過激派団体・カルト団体に見られるかもしれないそうです。 #原発 #再稼働反対 #とめよう再稼働 #原発とめろ #脱原発 #反原発 pic.twitter.com/yh8kA0mi8x

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Nazis plan to clear Warsaw ghetto of all except workers in German factories, Jewish doctors, Judenrat & ghetto police pic.twitter.com/xYlbWlThUq

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Gaza civil society leaders reject claim Hamas uses them as "human shields," say no return to "living death" of siege electronicintifada.net/content/no-cea…

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good parody @arabiaenquirer 10 Best Israeli Defense Force tweets of Operation Protective Edge bit.ly/1rBvtbx pic.twitter.com/yDwbBFWLsf

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#Amman, #Jordan: A massive protest in solidarity with #Gaza & the #Palestinian Resistance in Al-Hashemi Area. pic.twitter.com/YmmI4FvQIx

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"If u want to find a safe place in #Gaza do not stand beside a child"
In 2 days 1 child killed every hr
pic.twitter.com/uh76yMgd23 v @GazaAI1

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#????.??????? ?????? ???? ???? ??? ????? ??????? ?? #????? ???????? ??? ???? ???????? ???????? ???????? ?? ???? #???. pic.twitter.com/BAkqLQy6hQ

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600 million Apple devices contain secret backdoors, researcher claims on.rt.com/50d9g9

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Protesters run in #Bethlehem as #IDF fires dozens of tear gas in attempt to stop #Gaza protests (Photo: @ubuntifada) pic.twitter.com/vhPi6JfX6f

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Communist Party Ousted From Ukraine Parliament tmt-go.ru/503966 #news

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ボイスレコーダーに改ざんなし…蘭調査当局 j.mp/1ofgBwU

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