

Us defense chief: cyber attacks affect 'both nations' - AC DC Switch Mode Power Supply Manufacturer

2012-11-03 12:25:03 | 旅行
The US Defense Secretary said on Monday that China is also a victimof cyber attacks, after years of accusations of alleged Chineseattacks on the US. Based on this understanding, the defense ministers of the twonations vowed to work together on cyber security issues to avoidmiscalculations that could lead to future crises, after a meetingin the Pentagon marking the first visit by a Chinese defenseminister to the US since 2003. "It's true, as the general pointed out, that obviously there areother countries, actors, others involved in some of the attacksthat both of our countries receive," US Defense Secretary LeonPanetta told reporters after the meeting. "But because the United States and China have developedtechnological capabilities in this arena, it's extremely importantthat we work together to develop ways to avoid any miscalculationor misperception that could lead to crisis in this area." Six months ago, senior US intelligence officials publicly accusedChina of systematically stealing American high-tech data for itsown national economic gain. Smart Cards Access Control

It was the most forceful airing of US allegations against Beijingafter years of private complaints. China has long said that it hasbeen wronged and that it is also a victim of such attacks. Defense Minister Liang Guanglie said he and Panetta talked aboutways to strengthen cyber security, but they are leaving the detailsto the experts. Luo Yuan, deputy secretary-general of the China Association ofMilitary Science, said Panetta's remarks showed "the Pentagon hasbeen more reasonable than before on the cyber attack dispute". "They have noticed some troubles China is facing in that regard,"the major general said. AC DC Switch Mode Power Supply Manufacturer

"Cyberspace should be a field ofcooperation, not battle, for the two nations." Given the fact that the US is among the few countries with a cyberwar headquarters and troops, Luo said Beijing also expects the USto ensure that it would not impose dangers on China in that regard. "The US needs to start laying the groundwork for betterunderstanding by the Chinese of what we expect from them incyberspace," James Lewis, a cyber security expert with the Centerfor Strategic and International Studies who has met with Chineseofficials and scholars for informal discussions, told TheAssociated Press. "We want to figure out some way to get some understanding in placebefore something bad happens." If there is a cyber incident in China, Lewis said, "we need theChinese to feel confident that they can call us up and ask, `Was ityou?', and get a straight answer." At the press conference, Liang told reporters that the two sidesare committed to building a sound, stable and reliablemilitary-to-military relationship. "Facing the complicated and serious security situation in theAsia-Pacific, both of us agree that it is in line with our owninterests to strengthen the cooperation between the two militariesin order to protect the peace and stability of the region," hesaid. Panetta hailed the talk with Liang as "productive". China Door Release Push Button

"The United States and China are both Pacific powers and ourrelationship is one of the most critical in the world," he said."We share many interests across the Asia-Pacific region andbeyond.".
