

Miners need to tackle unemployment ticking time-bomb - shabangu - China Alkaline Water Ionizer

2012-09-26 12:26:22 | 日記
JOHANNESBURG (Mineweb) - The South African Minister of Mineral Resources has appealed todelegates at the South African Mining Lekgotla to do more toaddress the issue of skills shortage and the ticking time-bomb thatis the unemployed and unemployable youth of the country's townshipsand rural streets. Unfortunately, the Minister of Mineral Resources, Susan Shabangu,who was to deliver the opening key note address, was waylaid andapologies were made for the non-appearance. The minister's speech was delivered on her behalf by the ActingDirector General of the Department of Mineral Resources, JoelRaphela. The minister further called on delegates to draw on the fortitudeand experience gained during the country's transition to ademocracy to outline a joint vision of where stakeholders want themining industry to be in the years ahead. In terms of mining policy and regulation, a burning issue in thecountry, the minister requested the conference to look at enhancingthe implementation of all provisions of the legislation, policydocuments and provisions of the mining sector strategy. Body Heat Patch

"I trust that as a way forward we will critically look at thesedocuments and work out clear strategies to address current andemerging challenges and the consequent negative effect they mayhave on our sector" said Raphela. The minister also implored the sector to do more to achieve morebalance with regards to broader stakeholder participation. "We also need to rectify the relationship amongst mining, socialand community issues in areas where mining operations take place.The objective should be to create a win-win situation forstakeholders" said Raphela. The founding Mining Lekgotla, spread over two days, kicked off inMidrand today to presentations and talks that provided much in theway of a "ra-ra" to get things going. Professor Louis van der Merwe, the managing partner of the Centrefor Innovative Leadership, set the scene early by invitingdelegates to think about and discuss what their best expectationsand worst fears could be in terms of an outcome for the conference. China Alkaline Water Ionizer

A major theme underlying some of the expectations given was one ofthe inclusion of youth in the industry whether it be by way ofdevelopment, education or employment. Another overarching theme was the call for stakeholders in themining industry to pull together and overcome hurdles for thebetterment of the country as a whole. Bheki Sibiya, the CEO of the Chamber of Mines of South Africa,wearing the patriotic colours of the South African flag, thankedco-hosts, the National Union of Mineworkers and the South Africangovernment for their partnership in the event. In calling for constructive ideas and solutions for putting theinterests of the country first, Sibiya went so far as to quote AlanPaton's novel, Cry the beloved country. Herbal Patches Manufacturer

Unfortunately with all the speeches and presentations made today,not much has been done in getting down to brass tacks orcontentious issues in the sector like policy uncertainty, labourissues and transformation. Maybe this isn't the right forum and is too big a group to achievesuch things said one delegate. A closed breakfast is to be held tomorrow morning for the topleaders in the sector. Hopefully more will come out of that thanthe back patting and cud chewing of today. SUBSCRIBE to's free daily newsletter now.
