

Us activists, officials seek to protect africa's gay refugees - China fog lights bulbs

2012-11-24 11:27:25 | 日記
As the world marked the International Day Against Homophobia Thursday, in Washington, U.S. activists and officials outlinedefforts to protect an extremely vulnerable group - gay refugees ineast Africa. Kenya is host to more than 600,000 refugees, while there are anestimated 135,000 refugees in Uganda. Both countries criminalize homosexuality.

In Uganda, what arecalled "unnatural offenses" carry a risk of life inprison, with some lawmakers even advocating the death penalty. InKenya, sex between men can lead to prison sentences of up to 14years. This makes it extremely difficult to protect gay refugees in bothcountries, according to Duncan Breen, with the U.S.-based groupHuman Rights First. "Even the existence of these laws do contribute to higherrates of biased motivated violence because the legal framework thenseems to instill amongst citizens the sense that actually they cancommit biased motivated violence with impunity and so certainly itis important for these countries to reconsider these stances,"said Breen.

Breen was the lead author of a Human Rights First report called"The Road to Safety, Strengthening Protection for LGBTIRefugees in Uganda and Kenya." LGBTI stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex(between male and female). The report details numerous recent attacks on LGBTI refugees in thetwo countries. It also says many of these refugees shy away fromaid services due to fears of persecution from other refugees aswell as aid workers. One of the recommendations is for countries like the United Statesto establish temporary safe zones and help expedite resettlementprocedures to a third country so targeted refugees can finally feelsafe. yellow fog light bulbs

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees andMigration Anne Richard said the U.S. government is continuallytrying to improve procedures to help. "We have but one option. China fog lights bulbs

We must stand squarely on the side of the most vulnerable,"she stated. "We must do what we can to provide them anenvironment where their safety and security is ensured and theirrights and dignity upheld. That must be our priority." She said efforts were being undertaken to better engage withgovernments, non-governmental organizations and United Nationsagencies to ensure gay refugees in east Africa are helped and notfurther victimized. Larry Yungk, a resettlement officer with the United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees, said his agency was also evolving in howit deals with the complex issue of LGBTI refugees, with, forexample, new guidebooks for its employees. He said LGBTI refugees who survived camps in Kenya and Uganda,before making it to safety in other countries, should be encouragedto contribute ideas. led fog light bulbs Manufacturer

"I think too often we speak on behalf ofrefugees without letting them come forward and tell us what mightwork. We have a lot of very talented refugees being resettled,people with good ideas, and I think trying to make sure that theyare at the table as we work on these issues is vitallyimportant," noted Yungk. Activists and officials say local authorities have been a part ofthe problem, making it that much more difficult to resolve. InUganda and Kenya, there have been many reports of police harassinggay refugees inside aid camps.

Research conducted by Human Rights First last year in Ugandaindicates a Burundian transgender female refugee was continuallyarrested by police due to her sexual orientation and genderidentity. In prison, the research indicates, she was thenrepeatedly raped.
