

Guangzhou to introduce seven price reform plans in 2012 - Microdermabrasion Machines

2013-01-14 11:30:40 | 旅行
According to sources from 2012 Guangzhou Price Work Conference onFebruary 29, 2012, Guangzhou will introduce seven price reformplans on water, parking, annual pass, electricity, among others.Price Control Administration of Guangzhou Municipality willorganize hearings for the first three reform measures, and thehearing for step electricity tariffs will be organized by theprovincial price department. Efforts will be made to reasonablycontrol the impact of price policies and reform plans, said LuoJiaxiang, Director-general of Price Control Administration ofGuangzhou Municipality. List of Price Reform Plans in 2012 1. Steadily advancing water tariff reform. Efforts will be made toexercise the system of step tariffs for residents' domestic waterconsumption and surcharges for non-resident over-quota waterconsumption, practice equal prices for industrial and commercialwater consumption, so as to perfect the water pricing system. Cavitation RF

2. Advancing the reform of administrative and institutionalcharges. The system of "zero charges" for administrativeexamination and approval in Sino-Singapore Guangzhou KnowledgeCity, Guangzhou Development District, Nansha Economic&Technological Development District and Zengcheng Economic&Technological Development District. 3. Advancing the reform of annual pass charging. Microdermabrasion Machines

In accordance withthe requirements of the provincial government for expanding thecoverage of annual passes, the scope and charge standards of thesystem of annual passes will be reformed to accomplish mutualrecognition of annual toll passes for automobiles in nine cities inthe Pearl River Delta. 4. Deepening the reform of motor vehicle parking and safekeepingcharging. Efforts will be made to advance the implementation of themeasures for improving urban traffic, practice the differentiatedreform on charges for motor vehicle parking and safekeepingservices and guide citizens in traveling by public means oftransport. 5. Cavitation RF Manufacturer

Intensifying the reform of environmental protection charging.Efforts will be made to explore the reform on modes of wastedisposal charging and establish a long-acting mechanism of raisingthe rate of collection of waste disposal charges and reducingcharging costs. 6. Reasonably examining and determining pipeline gas prices.Efforts will be made to reasonably examine and determine pipelinegas prices, establish a mechanism of upstream-downstream linkageand progressively straighten out price relations between gas andalternative energy. 7. Practicing the reform of electricity tariffs.

Efforts will bemade to organize the plan for step electricity tariffs, intensifypractice of differentiated and punitive electricity tariffs andpromote energy conservation and emission reduction.