

Boston police chief seeks to reduce crime by 10 percent - Juice Separator - Disc Oil Separator

2013-01-11 11:30:03 | グルメ
Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis set a goal on Thursdayof reducing overall crime in the city by 10 percent this year andpraised officers for their work, but his speech to the departmentwas picketed by union members angered over contract negotiations. In remarks to on-duty personnel at the Boston Teachers Union hallin Dorchester, Davis said their work has yielded a 25 percent dropin the most serious crimes in the city between 2006 and 2011. He also praised the department s clearing of the Occupy Bostonencampment in December, in which officers avoided violent clasheswith protesters, a marked difference from other US cities.

After Occupy Boston was closed down, I received phone calls fromall over the country and some international inquiries on how weaccomplished what we did, Davis said, according to a transcriptof his remarks posted on the police department website. He said the department can reduce crime in part by having officerspatrol their beats outside of their cruisers more often. Officerscompleted 160,000 walking and bicycle beats in the city last year,Davis said, and he wants them to hit the 200,000 mark in 2012. Other initiatives include adding a crime analyst, eight newhomicide detectives, additional training, and technologicalimprovements to help criminal investigations, he said. Davis s speech, which he delivered in two separate sessions toofficers and civilian employees, was closed to reporters.

He was greeted by a group of about 30 picketers from the BostonPolice Patrolmen s Association outside the venue, who held signsthat read No Contract, No Support, No Respect -- All in aday s work. Union president Thomas J. Nee said department morale is low after alack of adequate training, equipment, and compensation in recentyears. He cited a series of events over the past couple of years thathave led to a measure of breakdowns, and, quite honestly, they renot being dealt with, and this is just a demonstration of ourfrustration. Horizontal Pressure Leaf Filter

The union has clashed with the department over ongoing contractnegotiations. Davis and Nee spoke briefly outside the TeachersUnion hall, and the commissioner later said the department isnegotiating a new contract in good faith. We re working very hard through the negotiation process to getto a point where we get a good salary package for them, Davissaid. But right now, that s an ongoing process, and during thecourse of those things, it can be a difficult time. Juice Separator

The union was also angered when state lawmakers and Governor DevalPatrick slashed funding in 2009 for the state s contribution tothe Quinn Bill, an educational incentive for officers who receivepay hikes for earning post-secondary degrees. While the city continues to fund part of the program, the SupremeJudicial Court recently ruled against a group of Boston policeofficers who had argued in a lawsuit that the city is required topay the benefits in full, regardless of the state s contribution. Davis said Thursday that he understands officers anger over theprogram cuts. The Quinn Bill was cut, and people are upset about that, and Idon t blame them, Davis said. Disc Oil Separator

He also touched on the program during his remarks to the officersinside, according to the online transcript. I personally believe that it should be fully funded and theCommonwealth of Massachusetts reneged on a promise they previouslymade to you, he said. Mayor Menino supports the purpose ofthe Bill and continues to pay the city s share. Travis Andersen can be reached at Follow himon Twitter @TAGlobe.

John R. Ellement can be reached

Gilbert mass shooting: former arizona sen. russell pearce'sstatement - China Dust Cleaning Equipment

2013-01-11 11:25:03 | 日記
The following written statement provided by the Associated Presswas distributed late Wednesday to some Arizona media outlets by arepresentative of former Arizona Sen. Russell Pearce. Our prayers and thoughts are with the surviving family members andfriends of the victims of today's horrific and evil act. There areno words to adequately express the sadness we share, as acommunity, with those affected.

I spent much of my day resisting efforts by those in the media toget me to make a statement. Today's events have nothing to do withme and no connection to me. Yet TV news crews started coming to myhome seeking comments and my telephone rang nonstop with calls fromthose who were desperate to score the ugliest of political pointsoff of this tragedy. Now my name is being mentioned in coverage andI have no choice but to respond.

Regarding whether I knew JT Ready, I did, as did many of us whohave been involved in Mesa politics for a long time. When we firstmet JT he was fresh out of the Marine Corp and seemed like a decentperson. He worked as a telephone fundraiser for Christian andpro-life groups, he dated the daughter of one of our District 18members, and his attitudes and spoken opinions were good anddecent. At some point in time darkness took his life over, hisheart changed, and he began to associate with the more despicablegroups in society. They were intolerant and hateful and like somany who knew him from before, I was upset and disappointed at thechoices he was making. Hammer Mill Machine

I worked with others to have him removedfrom his local position within our Republican Party because therehas never been and will never be any room in our Party or our livesfor those preaching hatred. He was angry with me and stayed angrywith me, and it has been several years since I have had reason tospeak with JT. In the past several years the local media has worked hard to try totie me to the JT Ready that preached hate, and that is nothing morethan a lie. When I learned the truth about him, I made it clear how wrong Ithought it was and I worked to remove him from our Party. Yet thelie is told and retold over and over again. China Dust Cleaning Equipment

It is the ugliest formof politics. The most radical groups I have ever belonged to arethe Boy Scouts of America and the Fraternal Order of Police, and inmy 65 years in Mesa, as a law enforcement deputy, as a judge and asthe head of state agencies, I have never been accused ofmistreating anyone or of unfair conduct toward anyone I haveassociated with, hired or supervised. Finally, while I am frequently critical of the job the mainstreammedia does in pursuing a political agenda instead of the truth,today's behavior is the most reprehensible that I have everwitnessed. On the very day that these unspeakable crimes takeplace, editors and producers all over town are making a concertedeffort to make the story about a politician whose conservativepolitics they disagree with. China Wood Pellets Plant

Today, the Devil won and claimed the soul of one young man and thelives of others, including the most innocent of all, a child. Ourthoughts and prayers are with the four beautiful souls that are nowin God's hands. We pray that He accepts them into his kingdom andthat He grants comfort and solace to the friends and survivingfamily.