

Chevrolet kick-starts global commitment to international football - Led Bus Display

2012-12-13 11:34:44 | 旅行
SHANGHAI -- May 31, 2012 : 'Chevrolet China Cup' matches in China part of Manchester United sponsorship U.S. automaker pledges support of One World Futbol Project withdonation of 1.5 million 'virtually indestructible' footballs toimpoverished regions Chevrolet's five-year agreement to become the Official AutomotivePartner of Barclays Premier League giant Manchester United includesthe creation of the Chevrolet China Cup as part of the ManchesterUnited 2012 Tour, delivered to the world by DHL. Taking place in July, the Chevrolet China Cup will feature matchesin Shanghai and another Chinese city. Chevrolet's first global footballsponsorship in the brand's 101-year history centers on a commitmentfocused on enhancing the experience for supporters of the game. Chevrolet also announced a partnership with the One World FutbolProject, an organization focused on sustaining play for youth inimpoverished regions through a revolutionary, virtuallyindestructible football.

Chevrolet's support includes a pledge todonate 1.5 million One World Futbols over the next three years toorganizations working with youth living in war-stricken zones,refugee camps, disaster areas and other disadvantaged communities.Chevrolet is the first corporate sponsor of the One World FutbolProject, which has positively affected more than 525,000 lives in137 countries. "As Chevrolet continues to grow as a global brand, this is theright time to make a commitment and establish a presence ininternational football," said General Motors Global Chief MarketingOfficer Joel Ewanick . "Our ambition is to connect with football in a fashion thattranscends traditional sponsorship. We want to bring to life thedeep appreciation we have for the game by celebrating the best thatfootball has to offer and introducing uncommon opportunities forfans to immerse themselves in the game." Said Manchester United Chief Executive David Gill : "Our preseason tour is an important process for the Club as itallows us to prepare for the season ahead as well as engage withour fans and partners in different markets. We had a fantasticamount of support from our fans last time we played a pre-seasongame in China.

We were overwhelmed by the passion and excitement generated bythe fans who came out to support us, and we hope that many morejoin us again this year. This is the first time we will play forthe Chevrolet China Cup and I think it marks a fantastic start towhat we believe it will be a long and successful relationship withChevrolet." The One World Futbol Project has helped schools, orphanages, andnonprofits use sport to resolve conflicts, teach tolerance, andbuild communities. The company is also an affiliate member of thestreetfootballnetwork, which connects 94 football-for-social changenon-profits in 61 countries. "The One World Futbol Project celebrates a primary value that isvery close to Chevrolet, and that is football can touch lives,provide opportunities and bring positive change to peoplethroughout the world," said Ewanick. "The beauty of football is asmuch about the people as it is the game. Flexible Led Display Screen

One World Futbol Projecthas the potential to rally millions throughout the world to join inthis effort, resulting in a global movement for the good of thegame and people who are passionate about it. That's the kind ofmovement that Chevrolet is committed to lead." Said Tim Jahnigen , co-founder and chief innovation officer at the One World FutbolProject: "Our mission at the One World Futbol Project is to make apositive impact by bringing the joy of football and play to youtharound the world so that children can be children no matter wherethey live. In Chevrolet, we've found an ideal partner who sharesour belief that football can not only bring people together throughthe excitement of the game, but can also help heal and rebuildcommunities impacted by war, disasters and poverty. Through thispartnership, we can positively influence millions more lives withthe simple power of a durable ball." Chevrolet China Cup The Chevrolet China Cup is part of Manchester United's Tour 2012,delivered to the world by DHL. Led Bus Display

The matches in China will be played against Shanghai Shenhua FC and another team, whichwill be announced at a later date. Manchester United will beplaying in China for the first time since 2009 and third time overall. "The opportunity to see Manchester United play in person is at thecore of what emotionally moves its supporters, as well as footballfans worldwide," said GM China Group President and ManagingDirector Kevin Wale . "The Chevrolet China Cup also gives the world the opportunity tosee how far football has come in China , on and off the pitch, and the promise the country has for thefuture. China Electronic Traffic Signs

That's an important objective for Chevrolet and GM, as weare extremely proud of our commitment to China and have proven it through offering a growing number of vehiclesto meet the needs of Chinese customers." Manchester United Partnership As part of its five-year deal with Manchester United, Chevroletwill explore several activations intended to bring supporterscloser to the club, including sharing with fans some of the assetsChevrolet receives as a sponsor. Ultimately, the intent is to putthe fans at the center of the partnership and provide them once ina lifetime access to the game they love. "To be a truly respected global brand, you must inspire consumers,"Ewanick said. "Few brands, if any, can match the ability to inspirepeople everywhere as Manchester United. Our partnership willrequire a unique and absolute commitment -- to the team, to itssupporters and to everyone who loves football.

The Chevrolet familyis fully committed to the goal of affecting positive change throughthis sponsorship." One World Futbol Project Jahnigen, who created the virtually indestructible One WorldFutbol, started the One World Futbol Project in 2010 with crucialsupport from his friend, international music legend Sting. Unlikeany inflatable ball on the market, the One World Futbol never needsa pump and never goes flat, even when punctured multiple times. Asingle One World Futbol can outlast and outplay hundreds of regularsoccer balls, sustaining the power of play even in the harshestlandscapes. The One World Futbol Project works with groups and companies allaround the world to purchase, sponsor, and distribute its uniquefootball where it can support lasting play. Individuals can alsopurchase a One World Futbol through a "Buy One Give One" program onthe One World Futbol Project website.

The purchase of a balltriggers the donation of another ball to organizations working indisadvantaged communities around the world. Those wishing to makedonations only or purchase balls for their organization can also doso through the Project website. About Chevrolet Founded in 1911 in Detroit , Chevrolet is now one of the world's largest car brands, doingbusiness in more than 140 countries and selling more than 4 millioncars and trucks a year. Chevrolet provides customers withfuel-efficient vehicles that feature spirited performance,expressive design and high quality. More information on Chevroletmodels can be found at.

For more informationabout Chevrolet's football initiative, visit Chevrolet FC . About Manchester United Manchester United is the world's most popular football club, withan estimated 659 million fans and followers, and was recently namedby Forbes magazine as the most valuable sports club in the world.Founded in 1878, the Club has won a record 19 English leaguechampionships to add to its record 11 English FA Cups, 3 EuropeanCups, 1 European Cup Winners' Cup, 1 FIFA Club World Cup, 1Intercontinental Cup and 4 English League Cups. Its Manager, Sir Alex Ferguson , is the most successful manager in British history. Off the field,the Club enjoys similar success with record turnover for a Britishclub and the highest operating profit levels in world football. About the One World Futbol Project Launched in July 2010 , the One World Futbol Project developed the One World Futbol.